biologics and cancer risk | Arthritis Information


I stumbled across this article on a study done last year on cancer risk and use of biologics for RA...encouraging news.

Does this mean it can only up the skin cancer risk? I am a little confused, sorry!)! the group of 13,000 RA patients studied, of those taking biologics, only the rate of skin cancer was higher than the rest of the population (...didn't say by how much).  I think the main point is that they did not find an increase in the risk factor for lymphoma, which is what everyone was worried about.Thanks Alan, I bookmarked this website.  Lots of good info!

Thanks, Alan. That is encouraging. I've been told I cannot use the biologics, as I have a high amount of a protein that predisposes me to lymphoma. My blood is checked every 3 months by my hemotologist to make sure it hasn't gone any higher.

Hopefully, they will verify these test results to the point that the doctors will feel confident that they are safe for people like me.

By the way, MedlinePlus is one of my favorite sites for researching things. I feel like the more educated I am about my health issues, the better chance I have of making good decisions.

Thanks so much. You always contribute interesting items.

Many Blessings,


I like to share my experience in health issues that I have embarked for almost 2 decades - i.e. no drug but appropriate herbs and selective natural foods for my arthritis. For chronic disease like arthritis, diabetes, heart problems etc., it is best to build up one healthy body system with slective natural foods and fight the disease with appropriate herbs to stop pain and coax and calm the "culprit" cells, cleanse and dispose them naturally as urine, faeces and farts.

When one step up gradually the healthy body system the disease step down and retreat evenly. I am sadden to read post about pains, drugs become ineffective after a period of time and its' side effects.

Instead of going deeper and deeper into the sinking muds, one should focus on building up healthy body system. Because a healthy body is a powerful force to disintegrate "the culprits" be it viruses, bacteria, autoimmine cells and render them inactive to cause pain and damage. Finally it is the dynamic force of a healthy body that repel the disease.

I can do it so can you!!!

Alan, thanks for the site. I have to say, I've been very reluctant to start any biologics because of the lymphoma risk. My doctor has wanted me on Humira from the get-go, and I always said no. Maybe I'll rethink my position, as the MTX/Arava does more & more damage.

That does sound encouraging but do keep in mind that RA itself predisposes one to lymphoma and we have a higher risk of Cancer because of the constant inflammation in our bodies.

And, if skin cancer becomes a higher risk, are doctors going to be impressing on their patients how important it is to take precautions. Skin cancer can be a really nasty beast.

It is a relief that the biologics don't seem to be worsening the problem. But I don't think we are out of the woods yet and must remain viligent.

The one good thing is that it ISN'T melanoma. That's the worst of the worst. But the others, although nasty, aren't usually fatal.  this took a few rocks off my shoulders.. I think that is one of my biggest fears - thanks for that information Very encouraging but I look forward to seeing other studies that are NOT funded by Pharmaceutical companies confirm these results.