IV steroid drip | Arthritis Information


Has anyone on the board had steroids administered in this way? If so I'd be grateful for any info you could give me - how did you feel afterwards? If you gained relief from it how long did this last? What did the drip itself feel like - was it unpleasant/painful at all?

I'm due to have my first one in a couple of weeks & would like to know what to expect.



Not sure I explained my question very well - I was asking about intravenous infusions of steroids - surely someone's had one of these! Pleeeeease reply if you have!





I had them a couple of times and yes, they do work. You should feel better the next day. Almost like superwoman.....

Thanks so much for replying - you've given me hope!    

Tinder, good luck with the wedding. That's a big load of stress even if it's a happy occassion. I think it's great that your doctor is willing to help you through it.

They will be giving me a big dose when they do my surgeries for the same reason.

Hi  yes I have had a couple, although not for the RA, and a nice side effect was  that the RA felt much better for a while. Not a huge long time but noticible.

One time was for a severe alergic reaction anaphylaxis  (we still don't know what  it was from).. Once was for  an asthma attack.

Thanks so much Deanna & Kathy, I'm beginning to feel positive again thanks to you lovely people on here. I'm due to start either Humira or Enbrel soon so hopefully that will help eventually too. Was due to start MTX injections & was at the hospital being shown how to do these on Wednesday. The nurse asked my RD to come in and see me whilst I was there & I had a good chat with her - a real bonus as my appointment with her wasn't until next month. Got a call Thursday morning from the nurse saying my RD had looked at my bloodwork & wanted me to start me on one of the anti-TNF's instead along with the 20mg oral MTX I take now.

Very best of luck with your surgeries Deanna, I'm sure the steroids will work their magic & help you through this tough time. The surgeries I had years ago dramatically improved my quality of life & I'm still better than I used to be b4 them - despite this flare right now. I'm praying this will be the case for you too.




i hope your wedding goes wonderfully, bless your heart

Aaw thankyou! You're all so lovely on here, I always feel better after I've posted.

Thanks again!


Best wishes for your wedding Tinder & I hope you have a truly wonderful future.
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