Broke... | Arthritis Information


Last night I took some Tylenol PM to help me fall asleep and to help with my pain thru the night. Well, I fell asleep before midnight!! WOOHOO!!


Hubby woke me up as he did not know I was asleep.

As soon as I woke up and rolled over on to my back from my left side, my ankle started to throb with pain. So, I used the heating pad and rub my ankle with my right foot while I tried to fall back to sleep. I was so sleepy that I did not stay up long even with pain.

I woke up this morning (saturday) and could not walk on my ankle. It was swelled and painful to bare weight on. We left to go somewhere and picked up my mommy to go with us YAY!!

Anyways, I just barely walked and my mom stayed back with me when we were walking into the store. I felt like I had walked a marathon by the time I got to the doors because of the pain and the extra "special" way I had to walk. I felt so tired & wore out by the time we got out of the store. I felt like I had been up and running about all day, but no it was only for an hour with sitting down breaks every 15 mins.

My mom could tell I was having a hard time walking. I did not even tell her I was hurting, she just knew by how slllloooooowwwww I was walking. We went to 2 other stores after the first one and I dreaded going into them. the 2nd store I told them I was going to hunt down a bench and I did. the 3rd store I walked to the doors and thru them and down one isle and then I told hubby to give me the keys to the car as I was going back to the car to sit. I was not even in the store 2 mins before I decided I did not want to walk around anymore.

My ankle by that time literally felt like I had broke it. It was swelled, stiff and was hard to move. I think the bottom of my foot was swelled as well, as it hurt to walk on my foot right, I had to do the walk on the side of my foot... ya know kinda peigoned toed, and not letting the sole of the foot touch the ground.

My ankle is still hurting and throbbing with pain. Hard to walk on, flex, move and even the slightiest movement makes the pain worse. No matter what position it is in, the pain is there. IBU only helped dull the pain for a few hours and took down some of the swelling, but it seems to be coming back now.



Sorry to hear you are having a bad time. You really need to get your foot seen by someone if its still troubling you. Try and rest it until you know whats going on.

If it is hurting you, the tough woman with the broken elbow, then it's bad. It is actually possible to break bones in your feet and not know it. Again, remember the elbow. In the meantime, use the hot, cold and elevation. You might also take some more calcium. If I get low on calcium, I get wicked cramps in my feet.

Joonie, when will you take care of yourself? Please mother your own self.

Hi Guys...

Sorry it took so long for me to reply. I have been resting and did not feel like being on the internet.

My ankle already has permenant damage. I know because when I was a kid that is the ankle that always felt like it was sprained, because of my JRA. I have a lot of trouble out of my right foot and ankle even when I was in remission.

It is doing a little better... I have been taking IBU and since getting my Humira shot Saturday, I have not had much pain out of it. Only a little bit of swelling.

Oh and today... I had a dreadful pain running from my ankle to my knee straight thru to my thigh. It hurt for about an hour I waited about an half hour hoping the pain would go away if I rubbed my ankle, it did not so I tok my 800mg of IBU and about 30 mins later and a doze the paiin was gone. I think today's attack was from the drop in temperature.

I am doing ok now. Not much swelling going on anywhere, but a few odd pains here and there.


Oh and Ginni... my mommy is 72 going to be 73 this year. SO... ya know it is kinda embrassing when your own 72 year old mommy can out walk you

Glad your ankle eased off, Joonie.

My joints can go to 'H' when I'm sleeping. Even after all my years of RA I still don't get being ok when I go to bed and waking up with some joint or other in a total uproar. Does the 'bad joint fairy' go around pointing her wand at me when I'm sleeping?

Well, that is one of the reasons I take my pred at night when I get ready for bed. It helps decrease my morning stiffness and helps me not to hurt so much upon waking up. But there is a bad side to taking my pred like that... I am usually stiff and hurt more by about 6pm and have a hard time going to sleep if I do not go to sleep within the first 20 mins of taking it. Hence, why I stay up until 8am. But I do it to help me be able to tend to my son while it is just me and him home for 8 hours.



I hate to go to the doctor's office, but when I hurt that much, I go and get a cortisone shot directly in my ankle. It really, really helps. And it helps for several weeks. After that, the major flare could even have passed. Before I go, I make sure I know exactly where the center of the pain is, and I draw a circle around it (poke it with your finger. Believe me, you'll know). Have them inject the center of that circle.

It's the only thing I've ever tried that really works.

I hope you feel better soon.
