liver | Arthritis Information


  liver ultrasound

   Hi has anyone had this done . I'm on low dose MXT and my LFT have been elevated ever since so now I am having this done to see what the problem is. One Dr thinks it's fatty liver and another Dr wants to see for sure what is going on.


 Thanks for any help with this

Milk Thistle and Dandelion are a natural liver cleanser you might ask your Dr about taking.  It has worked well for me.  I sure hope the ultrasound come out ok.I agree with Bonny about Milk Thistle and Dandelion Root, another one is NAC, all are supposed to support the liver.  Activated charcoal capsules or tablets also help the liver to detoxify.  I haven't taken these for the effects of Mtx, but take them for die-off of bacteria caused by AP.  Hope your US is OK!    PatI too had raised enzymes and it ended up being my gallbladder. Not
quite sure of the connection but the dr. wasn't surprised. Now I am
gallbladder free!!My enzymes were elevated and the rheumatologist sent me to a GI doc who ordered a liver ultrasound and bloodwork to rule out fatty liver and autoimmune hepatitis. Turned out to be none of the above and just the mtx causing liver enzymes to go up. They reduced the mtx and I've been okay since.  I don't think it's too uncommon.  Good luck with yours!I had some high liver enzymes wound up with the ultra sound which is no big deal and was diagnosed with fatty enzymes go up pretty easy I had to stop methotrexate because if the counts,,,,,just have to watch my counts more carefully.  It isnt really much to worry about,,relax...the only thing is you have to be sure that all the physicians are aware so they can have that in mind when treating you.....I know it is scary.....hopefully all will be well for you.