Deanna | Arthritis Information


Hi Deanna - am just wondering how you are doing.   Recently you posted you were having a problem with food vouchers from your social security department (can never figure out that welfare system you have to deal with).
Have they sorted that out for you now - hopefully you are at least receiving the basics - I hate to think you may have to battle even for food on your table.
You may have answered this on another post, I dont get to read all the posts so miss out on somethings.
Best wishes,

No, Cassie, I'm still fighting and it is for food and medical now as well as the cash assistance. They've made a complete mess of it and I'm so sick that going down there is a real problem. Calling the governor's office did no good whatsoever. The guy at the top didn't even know how I was supposed to get this card.

They've put me in a terrible spot because they are already denying the food stamps and I need the medical everyday especially with the surgeries coming up.

They've also screwed up my daughter's stuff. That's their job to make everything as difficult as possible so that nobody gets help.

I also asked my son to take the day off for when I have the knee surgery. Oh, I guess that's too much to ask. He'll think about it.

I feel so abandoned at times. I can't get wheelchair ramps because I have to go to months of these social activities that I am just too sick to attend. But that doesn't matter. They want me to take "personal responsibility" for my disability. Honestly, they are funded by Social Security and the state assistance programs. Their main goal is to get people to work. Heck if I could go to their programs then I'd go back to work. And, that is the conclusion that they will make and they will screw up my getting disability. But the fact remains, that I cannot do hours of activities.

And, I really want to go back to work. I miss it terribly. Just can't figure out how to make it happen right now.

All of this crushes me on a daily basis. Weekends are my relief from it because no one can call me and I can't call anyone. I sitting here trying to get the nerve up to go back out and face some of these problems.

Thanks for asking, Cassie. Sorry I'm so down, but they keep making it harder.

I just can't believe all this crap they are putting you through the get the assistance you need so badly!!!  Whats up with your brother "he will think about it?"  Jerk!  Where do you live sweetie, one of us has got to be closer enough to come help you out!!!!!!  Love and hugs

No, it's my son who has been so sweet in the past. But he can't stand the sight of my wheelchair. Every since I got that, he won't come over unless he needs help with something. It's his father's influence. He tells him that I've always been sick. He makes it sound like I'm just faking it or not tough enough. The kid knows better. But for knee surgery, he should be there.

But Julie is going to be there. Only if anything goes wrong or they keep me longer, she's going to freak. I've been trying to get her Case Manager to help prepare for this but she just puts it back on me.

I live in AZ. It's a great state to live in if you're rich. It sucks if you're in need. People are so into their nice homes, good jobs and fancy toys that they can't see beyond the ends of their own noses. All my friendships here have been through work and if you can't work, then you are just seen as disposable.



I haven't been keeping up on everyone because I have been under the weather.  I'm so sorry to hear that you are still having such a hard time getting everything you need.  I wish I lived near you to give you support.  Hang in there and know that we are all here for you


Deanna,  You are breaking my heart.  What about those people from the church that said they would help advocate for you?????  You need someone to take some of this off your shoulders

So, I've left another message to another person who is probably going to tell me that they can't help me I need to call another number to talk to another person who want have an idea how to help me and it will be a number I've already called several times now. Just give me the freaky money now.

And, they evidently threw away Julie's paperwork. It's gone. They couldn't have possibly received it although it was in the same envelope that I sent mine in so they had to receive. Oh, well too bad, we'll have to start over. AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!.

I wish someone was close enough to help me. But I don't know how any of you could possibly change the basic problem which is apathy and stupidity. I've got tears rolling down my face from the pain and I'm visually shaking saying, please let me sit. Nope, too busy to notice. Next please.


Deanna - if they deny you food stamps then what do you live on? I just dont get the attitude of people these days. Maybe our RA is in some tiny little way a good thing as while we experience the worst of nature in some people we also get to experience genuine care and compassion - something that is lacking in today's 'me,me,
me' society. My daughter freaks out at the thought of a wheelchair - a few years ago she won a holiday for 2 overseas & I was going to go with her, when I said I would have to get a wheelchair she said 'you'd never be able to push a wheelchair mum'!!   I didnt go on the holiday, not for that reason but even now that she is older & much more understanding (still a way to go but much better) she is still the same about wheelchairs. I
think they get scared that wheelchairs are so 'final'.
Of course we know that is more often than not the case but they form of lot of their opinions from television & there are not too many programmes where people either have RA or get out of their wheelchairs & walk again as often happens with RA. Kids do mature eventually so hang in there. Can you borrow or hire a wheelchair so you dont have to stand in line in queues.
Is there no one on this board who lives in Arizona who can help Deanna, surely there must be some of you there.
I dont suppose you could move to a more 'humane' state
Deanna - moving is stressful but can be exciting & fun.
It doesnt sound like any other state could be worse than
Would be good if the Arthritis Assn would get off their butts & help here. They should be doing the battling not you - where does their funding come from in America?
Hang in there my friend - it will get better, it's taking too damn long but your surgery will be a huge improvement in your pain & you will have more energy to take on these pathetic excuses for human beings.
Oops I am sounding cross but I think it is justified.
Lots of hugs to you Deanna, tomorrow hopefully will be a better day for you.
