Nerve Pain in Feet | Arthritis Information


Anyone tried Lyrica for this?  Did it help?  My hands and feet remain very swollen and painful even after my lab tests say my ra is under control.  I started lycria a few weeks ago and I would say it takes the edge off.  It hasn't been the miracle drug yet but does seem to help some.  I think its worth a try.  I got super dizzy the first day or two but that went away and I don't notice any other side effects from it.

They don't really know whats wrong with my hands and feet so your problem may respond better to the drug than mine!

I haven't tried that one. Neurontin helps a lot of people. It helped my nerve pain but increased my tremors. So if that one doesn't work, there's others to try.

A lot of people swear by the Lyrica though.

I take Lyrica nightly for some nerve damage in my leg. Seems to help with my feet as well. I just take it at night although the instructions are to take it twice daily.

When I first started taking it I thought it made me real swimmy headed the next morning and I was afraid to be like that at work all day.

Now; I just don't think I needed it as much as I did when it was prescribed. Course that might actually just be the Lyrica working; I don't know.

I have had some help with Lyrica.  The horrible burning is releived.Thanks everyone.  Bonny...the burning in my feet is so bad and if the Lyrica helped that with you...I think I'd better try it.  :)