A letter from a JointHeat customer | Arthritis Information


Below is a letter I recieved from a person who has bought 3 JointHeats from me. As you can see I am not trying to dup amyome, just trying to help.

was fortunate to find out about your JointHeat pad from your distributor Ron at eaglepi@cableone.net. I purchased a unit from Ron which was sent to me extremely fast and well packaged.  I don't know Ron personally only having delt with him on Ebay with my initial purchase. It was a pleasure doing business with him. I have used the unit for less than a week with relief of Arthritic pain in my shoulder joints and would not hesitate to recommend the unit to others that I know who have similar afflictions. In fact, I have ordered 2 more from Ron and have recommended the unit to others, no matter where they purchase them.  You have developed  a quality product that is well made.  I am impressed.  My qualifications are that I am a retired Aerospace Design Engineer and have an understanding of how well Items are constructed. 

I read about the Ron Spam problem at the Arthritis Insite web.  I can understand having a no Spam policy but I can't understand the vile attitude of certain members. It appeared to me that some members were just piling on a fellow who's only crime  was just trying to help others who have Arthritis pain like myself and could purchase a JointHeat pad at a reasonable cost.  He certainly wasn't planning  to get rich at the price he was charging for the JointHeat pad.  They need to cut Ron some slack. Your web blog reply stated that you were looking for a price point with Ron and that's what you found, a starting range for that point.
I am just one satisfied customer using your product  and I will continue to suggest that my friends consider buying the JointHeat unit if they have joint pain.
Vern **********
I still have plenty left selling at cost.. check it out at
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&sspagename =STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&viewitem=&item=200076976581&rd =1&rd=1
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