Any ideas? | Arthritis Information


Hi People,

Hope you're all as well as you can be! I have a bit of a strange question.... Since November I have had episodes where my skin has felt exceptionally tender. There is no rash or mark of any kind and this tenderness is not confined to any one area. It happens on average about 3-4 times a week and each 'episode' lasts for about 8-12 hours. It is so tender that it hurts to wear clothes or rest anything on my skin. I have mentioned it to my GP and rheumatologist - my GP thought it might be a side effect from MTX and the rheumy didn't say anything. I have been taken off MXT due to other side effects and this still lingers. Does anyone have any ideas as to what it might be?! Or how I can lessen/get rid of it?


It could be peripheral neuropathy. It sounds like a classic symptom for that. Ask that they send you either for an evaluation by a neurologist or that they try something like Lyrica or Neurontin to see if that helps.I've had a similar thing going on with me for a couple of years now.  It usually happens on my upper leg. Just a very small area of my upper leg.   It feels VERY sensitive to touch...and lasts for about a day then it's gone.  I didn't really think much of it for a while, and just told my doctor about it a couple of months ago...she didn't say much about it though. I think maybe I'll mention it to my family doctor when I see him this week...see what he says.
Hello: Check out Polymyalgia Rheumatica(PMR) to check your symptoms. Many internists/rheumies aren't familiar with it though it is a form of arthritis. Hope this helps.
Hi Scatered-I have this too, much more so in the past year.  It happena on my hip and on my arms.  Drives me nuts!!  Not sure what it is though.

Thanks for all the ideas. I saw my GP again today and mentioned it - he seemed puzzled and is putting down to MTX still being in my system. He advised taking co-codemol for the pain.

I hope you all get better results!

GPs just don't have the training that Rheumys do. This is really out of his possible experience. Ideally, you want an Internal Medicine for your primary and then a Rheumy to treat your RA. So many GPs cannot even recognize RA. The ones that do are gold. And, it's not necessarily their fault. With HMOs, many only see their patients in 15 minute increments.My GP was very quick to recognise the RA - so quick I saw a rheumy within a month of going to see him. That's unheard of on the NHS. Sadly the only way for me to continue to see a rheumy on a regular basis is to go private as NHS provision around here is appalling (even the rheumy said so!). My GP has been great though and has many telelphone conferences with the rheumy. They both seem a bit stuck at the moment. We'll wait and see....Sounds very frustrating. I hope you get your answer soon.