Yeah!!!!!!!! | Arthritis Information


I got my applications for food stamps, medical and General Assistance all approved. Now, if I can just get the damn card for General Assistance. But the girl told me how to go about getting it so it isn't such a problem for me. And, she was really nice to me this time.

So YEAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations, Deanna! That should make life at least a little easier. Makes a huge difference, the way people treat you. I'm glad she was nice. Great news, Deanna!!       


Congrats Deanna!!!  I know that feelin!!  The people that really need it have to go through the long struggle but the people that dont get it one, two, three!!  I am so happy for deserve it


That's great Deanna.  You are gradually getting to the top rung of the ladder.  Being tough and relentless has worked it's magic.  Happy for ya! And the guy from the governor's office called to say he is going to try and help me get the card. I'm so excited. Thanks for sticking through all this with me.

WooHoo! Persistence finally pays off.  I am so happy for you.  Hopefully this will help your stress level! 

Take care and get some much needed rest and relaxation!





You and Julie should celebrate. Indulge in some hardcore chocolate cake with super chocolate icing. Hahahaha Okay, maybe it's just me that's craving the chocolate. So have some cake for ME....LOL

This is good.

Your prayers and ours are being answered!  Now we wait for the next ones to be answered.


Oh Deanna I am so happy for you, you have had such a long hard battle with all this. good for you!


yeah deanna!!!!!Yahoo! This is awesome news, Deanna!

I'm very happy for you
