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I know I’ve been reading these boards awhile but there are still questions I have and am hoping someone can help.

My meds are enbrel shot once a week and 10mg of MTX . I am also on 2 pred now and going off completely in a few weeks.

For sure I am getting off the pred because how else would I know if the meds are working? Is that correct?

Also, I do get some minor pain still in the elbows and my fingers get swollen now and then. ( Does that mean it’s not working?

Am I to expect some swelling in the cold or rainy weather and still the meds are working.

I figure the meds are working pretty well. After all, I am now completely functional. Who cares about a few bad days. I am no longer so stiff in the morning; Last year I could hardly walk to the kitchen in the morning.

One other question that has been bothering me. At least once a week I get a chemical smell when I pee. It lasts at least all day.

Is that the meds??

Otherwise, I couldn’t be happier and I am signing up for the Y-me walk on Mothers day again this year. Last year I was in so much pain and I was so swollen and I like a dummy walked the 3 miles like that.

Thanks a bunch for any input. I realize that so many of you are in constant pain.  I feel like my troubles are so very small.


Thinkthinn, I think the answer to most of your questions is - maybe.

I was tapering off the prednisone (I'm on MTX and Arava) and got to 4.0 mg. when I started the major flare I'm in now.

Does it mean the prednisone was holding me together? Maybe. I'm not sure. Christmas time for me is a huge amount of work and stress, so I may have caused the flare myself. It was a dumb time to be tapering, and I knew it. Also, my pharmacy screwed up and I missed one week of MTX and had to drop to 12.5 from 15.0 for two weeks. Did that cause it? I don't know. Are the Arava & MTX just wearing off? For a lot of people, they do.

I had 5 really good months. Are they done? I don't know. I don't see the RD again for another month & a half. I'll be anxious to see what she has to say.

What my RD has said every visit is that every RA sufferer reacts differently to his/her disease. There is no standard. It's one of the things that makes it so frustrating to research.

I hope you are one of the lucky ones. I know they are out there. You know what? I'm better off than I was a year ago, too. So I consider myself a lucky one.

Never, never say that your health is not as important as anyone else's. You sound better than me, but pain is still pain and you might be fine for months or years and then have it all flare up again. If it is making you feel down or confused, you should still speak up. It isn't a comparison game. Even at my best with this, I've had considerable pain and you do have to be alert to whether everything is under control.

So ask questions. I hope others will follow your example no matter how good they might feel they are doing in comparison to someone else. That's how we all learn.

Regarding what you said about the chemical smell, I don't think that's normal and might be a sign of an infection or something else. Is it discolored or do you have any pain? That's worth asking the next doc you see.

I'm happy that you are in the state of better not worse. It overjoys me to hear when someone is doing basically good. That gives me hope.

Being able to get off the Pred is everyone's goal. But it sounds like you are afraid of having more damage occur and not being aware of that happening. I guess the best way to ensure that is discussing the results of every bloodwork and having periodic xrays. Also, if a particular joint is causing problems repeatedly, then check it out. For some people it is a particular joint that causes a problem, like their foot or their shoulder.

You are just being proactive. That's awesome! In the meantime, you provide a lot of support to others which I entirely appreciate.

Some foods can change the color and/or odor of pee, most notably asparagus. Vitamins too.

From Merck Manual: "Changes in the Urine's Odor: The odor of urine may provide clues about certain diseases and conditions. The odor is usually stronger if the urine is more concentrated, as occurs in dehydration. The urine may smell foul in a person who has a bacterial infection of the kidneys or the urinary tract. The urine may smell sweet in a person with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. The urine may smell musty in a child with phenylketonuria."

If it were me; my ultimate goal would be to get off the predisone; period.

I've heard too many bad things lately about long term steriod use. I'm only 36 and already have osteopenia in my hips and spine; and they say it's as a result of mediations I've taken for my RA over the last 13 years. AND; I've only taken it off and on over the years. Granted I've taken plenty of other things; but it's the predisone you hear the worst long term effects from.

You've still got a lot of wiggle room with MTX. I've been up to more than twice as much as you down to 20mg a week..exactly twice as much as you Humira and a good bit of MTX has made it possible for me to go without much predisone at all over the last 4 years. Maybe that's question to talk to your doctor about.


As far as the pee goes, it definately smells like a chemical. I am sure I have no infection because I have had those and I could tell its not that.  The color is normal. I have no pain at all. It just last a day or so. Like my system is getting rid of something.

I am thinking when I take my enbrel and dont drink enough water then maybe I can smell the medicine stonger when I go to the bathroom. Anyway. Now I am making sure I drink tons of water especially before and after my shot and then if it happens again I will bring it up to the Doc.
It is sometimes hard for me to remember to drink water. I get so involved in what ever I am doing I just forget about it. I know a lot of us are like that. Sometimes it cant be helped.

Yes Deanna, I am afraid of not knowing that damage is happening and here, this pred is masking it. That is more scarey than anything. After all, I am going out on a limb taking this dangerous medicine so, I want to know if it is working or not working. Off with the pred.
Lovie, I think the doc may be waiting to see if he should up the mtx when I get off the pred.

Please pray it dosent rain on Mothers Day so I can walk in the Y-me race with my boys.

Thank you.
You are all so kind

