Enbrel and Alcohol | Arthritis Information


So the doc is looking to switching me over to Enbrel.  Any word (and of course I'll talk to her) about whether a few glasses of wine a week will interact negatively with Enbrel?  Your experiences and doctors' advice? A couple of wines a week should be fine. I dont drink the day before my shot or the day after. This is the advice I got on this board.

I take my shot on Monday and my mtx. So Fridays and Saturdays are OK in case their is a party. But my hubby never has a drink. He is sober 25 years now so, I rarely have one. Thank God for him or I'd be having Margaritas and on a regular basis too. HA HA

[QUOTE=Thinkthinn]A couple of wines a week should be fine. I dont drink the day before my shot or the day after. This is the advice I got on this board.

I take my shot on Monday and my mtx. So Fridays and Saturdays are OK in case their is a party. But my hubby never has a drink. He is sober 25 years now so, I rarely have one. Thank God for him or I'd be having Margaritas and on a regular basis too. HA HA


Was that warning about not drinking the day before/of/after related to your mtx or Enbrel?  I know you're really not supposed to drink on mtx but I follow the same set of rules you do.  I haven't been able to find any type of info on how Enbrel by itself reacts with alcohol.

Enbrel, Humira, and Remicade all can be hard on the liver, so less booze is better. If you liver stats stay within the normal range a glass or 2 per week should be ok.

My doc prefers no drinking except for special occasions like weddings, New Years, etc. He says never more than 6 oz of wine, 8 for beer, and 1 of hard stuff. But that really is the PC thing to say.

Be cautious and watch your blood work. If you can get away with it fine - have a little. 

When my doctor started me on enbrel he asked how much I drink and I said I do drink on occasion. Which is true. Normally I drink a glass of wine or 2 at a party. I'm not a regular drinker at home because like I said, my hubby has been sober for 25 years and I would feel weird having a regular habit or ritual of  even a small glass of wine. 

I would like to drink more and often wish I could just have a nice margarita in the evening but my husband means too much to me for me to start him wanting a drink. He quit smoking last year and brother, he must feel like he hasnt a friend in the world.  I quit smoking 4 years ago.

This medicine freaks me out anyway and I'd rather be safe but still have a nice relaxing drink among friends when appropriate.

When I was much younger I drank and smoked Marijuana. Now I am hearing on this board that many of you smoke marijuana for your pain.

I mentioned this to my husband. And I saw that look in his face and I know he was thinking (great now she'll be smokin up. That's all I need.) HA HA

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