Doctors lack of info | Arthritis Information


Speaking to the issue of what the doctors don't tell you really puts us at a disadvantage when they begin adding one dx after another to our list of medical problems. They, doctors, are so quick to prescribe meds in an effort to convince patients their bodies are "going to h*ll in a handbasket." Like we are seeking medical attention because we are aware our bodies aren't healthy and it's unconscienable(sp) that anxiety, depression, frustration be added to the list of our medical problems.

Don't know about you but from time to time I do find myself becoming annoyed when I realize how much time it takes to research my symptoms, meds., treatment options, etc. There was a time when  doctors weren't "practicing medicine" but actually dispensing dxs and meds based on knowledge and a willingness to do their own research in an effort to determine what was the best for the patient versus what is best for their checking accounts.

My first rheumy had this attitude of "how dare you/who do you think you are/why come to me if you know what your problem is." This isn't what I was paying him for and with every bit of self-control I could muster I made him aware of these facts.
My current rheumy is like a breath of fresh air. We'll see if I still feel this way after my appt. on the 16th.

Well, enough of my ramblings. Probably should go to bed for tomorrow I'll be having fun, fun, fun with my two granddaughters and after school with their big brother. Definitely need to be awake.. Good Night
