MTX Info for You | Arthritis Information


At ASMP today I learned mtx now comes in 10mg pills. Yay! Now I can take 2 pills instead of 8.
I also learned that the pills are processed by your liver TWICE, while injectible mtx is only processed by your liver ONCE. That's half the strain on your liver! I'm switching to injectible!


How is PO MTX processed twice by the liver?  I don't understand that concept.

Where did you learn this information?  I must say I have had less problems since I've been on injectables.  I have never heard of a med being processed twice by an organ....anyone else out there who can chime in? 


I learned it at Arthritis Self Management Program School from a nurse at the Arthritis Centre.  I asked her about it twice so I'm sure that's what she said. I'm not quite sure how that works though.