RA and disibility | Arthritis Information


 Hi out there to everyone, yes I'm a newbee. Not to RA though. Im on humira,mtx,folic acid,protonix,piroxicam and tramadol - others for pain.

What I'm trying to find out is how hard it is to get your disibility?

The pain hasn't stopped in 2 yrs. and I'm trying to work the doc's say their behind me but... and my job isn't far from shutting down. I'm faced with trying for my disibility.

Can someone shed some light, for this almost 50 year old country boy.

Welcome dustyroad!  I will be 50 very soon and filed for SSDI 15 months ago.  I am at the Administrative Law Judge level and am told by the firm representing me that my chance is now about 90% for an award.

You definately need your Dr behind you.  I also highly recommend hiring an SS attorney or a firm that specializes in SS claims.  Make sure that they only get paid when you are awarded and their pay comes out of the disability backpay.  They get 25% or 00 maximum of your backpay.  It sure is worth it to me since they have done all of the paperwork and check on my claim every 70 days which is all SS will allow.

The average time for most people to get awarded is 2 years but some get it on their first try and I have known people that waited almost 5 yrs for an award. 

I hope some of this helps and others will be telling you their stories.

Take care.


 thanks for the reply.

Were you still working during this time, or did you quit altogather?

Excuse me, may name is Dusty, my nick name is Dustyroad.

I'm trying to figure out how the blankety blank you afford not to work and live. My meds. , without insurance is near 5,000 dollars a month.

Luckly I still have insurance but not for 2 to5 years.

Thanks again sometimes you feel your out here alone.

  Dusty, you are not alone.Im not trying for ss yet so i cant help you on that end.I have had RA for 15 yrs.I know what you are going thru.sometimes this disease can make you feel isolated.But we are all here far you. Hang in there.


There are several of us going through the process right now, including myself. Being age 50 makes it easier for a person to get disability and if your doctor is behind you that's really important. Also, if it looks like you are not retrainable for another form of work that is less strenous than what you currently do, that puts you a step ahead too. For instance, if you did pretty hard labor, your chances are better than if you did an office job.

Unfortunately, there is very little in the way of resources in order to survive. But some states are better than others. The real key is to get the lawyer up front. Where you might find resistance is the timing of losing your job and filing for disability. Again, a lawyer's advice would be helpful here.

Look at the definition of disability at www.ssa.gov. That will help you decide if you are really disabled in their eyes. Basically, if you can do even a job, i.e., like a security guard, even if there are no jobs in your area, then they are not going to consider you disabled.

Also, look hard at how you function at work. How does RA affect you on a daily basis? Do you have documented missed work time or any reviews that relate directly to your not being able to perform your job or having to change duties in order to keep working?


 To all those who anwsered; THANK YOU VERY MUCH

 TO. Deanna,  thanks even more.

I went to the web sight you provided and it really helped me out. You are a true life saver and I am thankfull You were here.

I feel like I've always been here and I'm brand new!

May GOD bless and keep each of you.....Amen

Dusty I had to stop working in 2001 due to my right hand being in bad shape as I did payroll and human resources.  I kept thinking that I would get better and never put 2 and 2 together to make RA/OA.  I filed 4 1/2 yrs after I stopped working and by doing that have lost a lot of money but so be it. 

My hubby came out of retirement to keep us afloat though it is so hard and I am blessed with great insurance.

Deanna - Could you post that site I read on another board from your attorney?  I meant to tell you that it has great info.

Here's the link that Bonny was talking about. This is the web site of the particular lawyer I'm using. He's put up a lot of good articles on disability.


You might also want to look at the resources that the rasushi community is trying build for anyone with RA and related disease. We are all putting things there in hopes it will help others with a variety of problems and to build awareness about RA. There's really no way to do that on this board. That link is www.rasushi.jconserv.net.



   Hi Dusty---I feel your work history is a major factor. Being 50 or older is also significant.  I received SSDI first try--I used Allsup, Inc for legal representation.  I worked as a direct patient care P.T. for 31 years; so there was no sedentary job history for them to say I could go 'back to'. I left my job on Christmas break 2005--the wait with no income to find out if I was approved seemed forever--and it was nothing compared to most people. Paying 450.00/ month for Cobra insurance coverage didn't make it any easier.  The pathetic thing is , even after you are approved , you have to wait 2 more years for medicare. That is the most outrageous of all--so I'm considered permanently diabled; but they won't provide health coverage.  So-I'm still paying 450. per month till June 2008; when I will finally be eligible foe medicare.   Good Luck!
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