Arthritis Information -Vitamin B-12 loss ?


Anyone out there read the report/study that came out of the Netherlands on the so-called problems related to children on a macrobiotic diet and vitamin B-12 deficiency? I think the study has been mis-interpreted by western medicine but maybe not. How can I make sure I am getting enough B-12 in my diet? Anyone recommend B-12 shots ?

Marissa - my anemia tests for B12 just came back very high for B12, which is uncommon.  Deficiency or too much?  It makes your head spin.  But, I have always heard throughout my lifetime that Vitamin B12 shots help just about anyone, for whatever reason.  Good luck. 


I’ve heard of B12 patch. A friend of mine is using it and got good result. I think he told me the site is but I am not very sure. Just try it on internet.

Good luck.
