Well Had My SSD Hearing With the Judge | Arthritis Information


Hello Everyone....well I made through my hearing yesterday

Have A Good Day!!


The not knowing is he worst, I think...but it sounds as if it went ok. I don't think Dr's do quite have the patient's "scope" on things, but they always seem to surprize me with what they "Do" know after the fact.

Take care.


Lisa I am glad that your hearing went well.  I can't imagine why it can take months to make a decision but that is how things are.  I am waiting for my decision for an award of record.

I have osteoarthritis along with RA.  It is definately the RA that is out of control at this time.  Did you ask your Dr about other problems? 

I hope you are awarded soon and take care.

Well? I had migrating pain and swelling at first, that means it wasn't on both sides of my body in the same places. but it turned into that eventually.(3 weeks?) Mostly from the shoulders down to the fingers and one knee to start off, then from the hips down to the toes also.

The swelling would get very large and puffy in my wrists and fingers and my right knee, of course the joints hurt, but do did the tendons which wasn't expected according to the "List" I had about RA. My arms and feet would fall asleep alot too, and I had things that didn't hurt the size and shape of golf balls on both elbows. I later learned that these were what they called "Rhuematiod Nodules". All I know is that a few minutes into my first ruem. appt. me The Dr. said "this is RA. Period." I guess I am very lucky I didn't have to wait years to get a dx but also I think I ignored the signs too long.

Everyone presents symptomology differently I am told. It turns out I had secondary Sjogren's Syndrome also, which mostly explained the tendons hurting.. (so I am told also.) Osteo Arthritis is usually a disease of wear and tear which causes the localized inflammination of joints, whereas RA is an autoimmune disease that in inflammitory by nature, it can affect much more than just your joints. With me it would be I would hit my knucle lightly on the table and a few hours later it was huge...Just a triggering thing, not actually moving it alot although tht would do it too.

It's worse for me having RA in the morning for about 3 hours, most of the time osteo arthritis is worse before you go to bed. (I have been told too) That part is generally concidered something that differentiates between the two...

I hope that helped.. some...

That's right Jen, I have the morning RA and the evening OA.  I am only going to turn 50 and though I do know they call OA wear and tear I can't imagine that I have worn things out already.  My rheumy said that some people get it severly at a young age and it is kind of rare.Lisa, If the vocational therapist testified to the judge that there is no job you can do. You have it. Thats what my lawyer told me when I went before the judge in 2002, and she was right. At the time I was 39. I wish you a speedy approval letter. Ginnilisa they told me 6 weeks to hear from judge but i got letter in 3 weeks.i'd say u will get ssd also now. the volcational expert told my judge the same thing as they told yours. good luck,remember u must be disabled for 5 months before ssd starts. thats the date judge will say u became disabled, and from that date 2 years before u get medicare.i was found disabled from nov 27 2004 so will get medicare starting may this year.my check starts feb 14 but i will also get backpay soon too.


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