Help me! | Arthritis Information


I practice voodoo and can cure each of you for the low low price of 10 bucks!  A little goats blood never hurt anyone!

I have horrible toe pain though!  I just wanna die because of it.  Ya know a certain "few" of you act like you have bipolar disorder?  I recommend a psychological evaluation and I also recommend that you not breed there are enough nuts out there and yes I am one!

Are you all on that wacky weed?  I recommend it as a "few" of you whine a lot like bratty ass kids that need their asses whipped.  Just my opinion.

This may begin WWIII, so be it. 


Here's to all who wish me well, the rest of you can go to hell!!!

Goats blood all around and don't forget to send me that 10 bucks!  For a short period of time get a free vibrator just mention this half assed forum in your request!

Wow, how harsh!  i am new to the forum, but this doesnt seem very supportive.  Seems like u may have some anger issues, maybe u need the psych eval yourself?  I am bipolar, that comment didnt bother me, i do hope everyone here is a bit more supportive than you.  Take care of yourself, all the best!
Nope, this poster is a "monkey see - monkey do troll."  There isn't anything else to say.


where's the plug for the herbal cure?



Well thats a sorry site! Must be awfully bored if you ask me.Best to ignore the little people

This is some stupid attempt by some very inmature, bord stupid, person just to see what we'd all do and say. Feel sorry for this person....don't get angry. They truely do have problems; far worse problems than we have here.

Don't even bother.

send me the cure first and i'll send the money after it works.Hey, speaking of vibrators, I bought one of those foot vibrators that has heat
too and it is awesome. It just totally relaxes your whole legs and feet and
feels soooo good. Thanks voodoobrat for reminding me to tell everyone
about that.