SMOKING | Arthritis Information


I quit smoking 18 days ago,using a new medication called Chantix.It is not impossible,even with stress and chronic    pain...          ;           ;           ;           ;           ;   RALPH

I sweat it out with the gum - and then it took me two years to quit the gum!

This med is neat, I'd never heard of it before . . .

"The good news for a smoker is that Chantix is the fourth new medicine by Pfizer to receive FDA approval this year. Pfizer scientists researched a specific molecule for smoking cessation that target the nicotine receptor. Chantix was approved based on six clinical trials involving more than 3,500 cigarette smokers. Chantix acts on the brain in areas affected by smoking in two ways: by providing some of the effects of nicotine to ease withdrawal symptoms and by blocking the effects of nicotine if smoking is resumed."

Hi Ralph

Good for you

I quit March 2005 so nearly two years now. I used NRT patches for the prescribed 10 weeks, it was brilliant! Not one serious craving. I believe the key to succeeding lies in really wanting to quit.

Keep it up - don't be a stinky boy

Well done to Lynk too



Thank you all for your words of encouragement.I had thought that I would never quit,now I cant belive that I smoked,as the smell is repulsive!!!

[QUOTE=ralph hurts]Thank you all for your words of encouragement.I had thought that I would never quit,now I cant belive that I smoked,as the smell is repulsive!!![/QUOTE]

How are you doin' ralph? still off the cigs?  hoping you made it but if not you'll have to keep on trying to quit until YOU are ready, praying that you were successful.....rose


I quit 4 years ago this past March and would like to offer my help if anyone needs it. If i can do it anyone can! good for you, Ralph!!
I have set my quit day as Tuesday.. I too, am using Chantrix..
A lightbulb went on when my RD said:  You will NEVER see remission as long as you smoke.
*bing bing*
I want remission. more than I want to smoke...
I've just been prescribed Chantix but have not set the date yet.

Good for you Ralph! One of the best things you can do for your health. Most of us have enough problems as it is without smoking.
