biologic question | Arthritis Information


when the tnf drugs first came  out 3-4 years ago?  i seemed to read about lots of people who took say enbrel and whose  ra went into complete remission, they went out drinking and partying like never  before.    does  this still happen, and  does  anyone know how often it happens  50% 75%  20%???  also, if you get a good response to  one of the biologics  how many years does it last for.    i  seem  to be reading m ore and more about individuals who can only take  it  for say 18 months, or 2 years?  
just thinking about the future and what it might hold for me.

I wish I could help but I wonder about this too. How long are my meds gonna last.  Maybe someone can give us a little more insight into this question. I know one woman who has been on enbrel & MTX for 3 years and it's working quite nicely for her. I dont know if that is a remission or not.
