Prednisone + Imagination | Arthritis Information


Soooo I have the little pred pack that you pop the pills out know the sound it makes? That sort of foil crinkle? Yeah well, my cat LOVES the sound. I think it sounds like the seals on her kitty treats.


Anywho. So I was popping out the pills the other night and she came running up to me meowing all interested like. So my smart @$$ says, "you know kitten, I should just give you one and see if you like it" Hahaha okay I didn't really give her one, but the thought sent me into a spiral.

Justin and I went on to talk about how if she was taking steroids she'd be the buffest kitty we'd ever seen. She would meow in an arnold like voice: "ME-OW." She would climb up her kitty tree with one paw, and in her other paw she would be carrying a toy or a bag of catnip. When she ran across the room, her leg power would make the carpet bunch up like in the cartoons. And she would eat an entire bag of cat food in one sitting. When she hit any toy or object with her paw, it would just burst into flames from the sheer force.

Hahahahaha This talk went on for about 30 minutes, and I laughed so hard I thought I was going to pee myself. I just had to share. *giggles*

arriscolwell39123.376724537Can I come play in your imagination? Kitty on pred. Arnold voice. You are so cracked which is one of the things I love about you.You forgot staing up all nite on the computer. That too!! Knowing our kitty, she'd be up all night surfing furry porn. Hahahahaha Oh man I am not right...

I love going off on tangents like that and just getting sillier and sillier and laughing till it hurts.  It's ususally some simple comment that that starts it and it just takes on a life of its own.

I'm sitting here looking at my own kitty thnking strange thoughts.


Poor, poor wonder they look at us with mistrust.Hey...they're the ones who are decietful. Sneaking into the closet and running off with your socks. Licking the soap bubbles off your shower curtian. Stealing EVERY rubber band, twist tie, and candy wraper they can, only to shove them so far under your various appliances that no one will see them until you die and they bulldoze your house. hahaha arriscolwell39123.4149652778Here kitty, kitty....