MTX side effects | Arthritis Information


Hi, You guys dont know me, but I come here and read your posts every so often. I have RA , PA and Fibro. My question is did  any of you have skin problems with the mtx? I take 10 mg along with humira and the longer I take mtx the more probs I seem to have with my skin. Rhuemy says its probably related to Psoriasis( runs in my family, although I have no lesions),he says talk to dermatologist. Derma says nothing just gives me cremes.

P.S. the steriod shot i got a couple of weeks ago helped the skin condition along with the arthritis

MTX can cause skin problems, both as a side effect of the drug and in the case of infectious conditions, due to it's immunosuppressant effects. 10mg is a fairly low dose though. I'd see the Dermy (they're wacky

From on MTX adverse effects: "Skin: erythematous rashes, pruritus, urticaria, photosensitivity, pigmentary changes, alopecia, ecchymosis, telangiectasia, acne, furunculosis, erythema multiforme, toxic epidermal necrolysis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, skin necrosis, and exfoliative dermatitis." 

(A common side effect of Zanaflex is dry skin and/or sores on the skin but I'm guessing since you've already seen your Doc they must have ruled that out.)

Thanks for the replies! I really like this sight. It helps to know I'm not the only one going through alot ot this stuff.