Roxy’s Right, It’s the Little Things.. | Arthritis Information


In my case, the really *REALLY* little things....



I OPENED A BAG OF CHEEZE-ITS BY MYSELF TODAY!!!!! >.< *does a dance* I actually got so excited when the bag didn't EXPLODE all over, or rip just a corner, or just....not open. LOL I pulled each side of the bag like a normal person and *poof* it just......OPENED. I laughed at myself for being so excited. But I had to share. I did it I did it I did it I did it I did it....

I have been trying to pull that one off all week on bags of frozen burrito's... (It's wierd but they are actually starting to vex me now.

Way to Go!!!


Jen10139124.5515625Never in my life did I think I would be cheering over something like this. HahahaWay to go Katie!!!  I have been using scissors for sometime now to open bags.  I actually thought they were making them harder to open.  It didn't dawn on me til I was diagnosed with RA that just maybe it was me.....Oh well, I still prefer to think they are sealing bags tighter.  I will just live in my own little dream world!  LOLok-- can't resist, I just gotta chime in on this one!! I, too! totally understand about the "joy in the little things since RA"-- mine is with doorbells!  I had my prro mom-in-law thinking several times that her doorbell was shorting out when I was trying to visit cause I never made the doorbell ring when I pushed it-- turn out it was just my lack of strength and so now I use the blunt side of my key for that task-- r.a. may slow me down but I'm still "ringin' the bells"-Ha!!


Isn't it great when that happens?  I cracked and opened 2  !!! eggs this morning. most days I wreck at least 1.. I was sooo happy...


I'll take my victories where I can

LOL Yay!!!! It's not just me that gets excited. Hahaha We should make a list of our daily "mini" accomplishments!!

I love the snoopy dances you guys are doing! Well deserved.

I get excited when I go up and down the stairs one foot per step, like a normal person, instead of the geriatric two-footer, when I turn the pepper grinder, and when I can get down on the floor and up again under my own steam.

Oh come now...I am sure it is the bags that are harder to open...I know they seal them bags up tight down here in know to lock out the humid air..Right? Right?


my kitchen scissors are my favorite kitchen tool.

I feel a sense of pride every time I can pull back the foil lid on a yogurt all in one pull, or pop a soda can top on the first try. When I open my medicine bottles with out trouble I get excited...cause I almost always have trouble..and some days I cant open them at all.

yay for the moments when I can do things that most people do with out even thinking about what they are doing.

You have to be pretty old to remember this stint done years ago by Carol Burnett. But it was hilarious. It was about the time when they started sealing everything in plastic.

Poor woman comes home from an exhausting day at work. Everything she tries to open is sealed tightly. Nothing with open it. Nothing. She bangs around the kitchen trying every tool that she can find. Finally, she falling down in tears just as her husband comes home.

Dear man wants to make her feel better and so he tries to unzip her dress. Of course, the zipper gets stuck and the meltdown continues. It was a hilarious skit but not so funny in real life.

But that's what I thought about with Katie and the Cheetos. I constantly use scissors. I have a lot of tricks for opening jars and bottles which I learned as a child because I have really small hands to begin with. First, you have to break the seal. There are two ways to do this: tapping the bottle or running it under hot water so that it expands and loosens. Just tap the lid on the counter top several times. This will loosen most containers. You can also use a table knife and hit lightly all around the container. This doesn't take as much force. In some cases, once you've done this, slip the edge of the table knife under the rim to lightly loosen.

There are now jar openers but I haven't need them yet. I've always been the jar opener in our house including when we've had strong men living with us.

I also tend to pay attention to the kinds of containers I buy. But for the life of me I cannot open beef jerky packages out of the snack machine. Scissors, scissor... anybody got scissors. I'm hungry.

Here's a trick I use for new jars that I can't get open.  I use a spoon and put the end of the spoon under the lip of the jar lid and then twist.  That pops the air tight seal and then the jar is easier to open.

For cutting open packages, I have a pair of electric scissors that are great - made by Black and Decker.  They do all the work, you just guide them!

Now I'm hungry, and have to go find something to eat!  Geez, people!

Hahaha I DO use scissors, but I was at work at the time and couldn't get to a pair. For jars I have those rubber grips and those work pretty well. Everything else I leave for Justin. Haha