HUMIRA USERS!!! | Arthritis Information


Hi dtgaup. Welcome to the forum. This is a great bunch of people. I am
also a nurse and only take plaquinil. My main reason for not going with the
biologics right now is because of the risk of infection from the job. I recently
transferred to a neuro surgical unit thinking it would cut down on the
number of infectious patients I would be caring for but guess what?, it
didn't, lol. I think it is everywhere.   I can't deal with the thought of getting a
MRSA infection that may never go away and I will end up on vanco for the
rest of my life. I am in the mild to moderate class right now so for now the
plaquinil is making me 80 percent better. I will have to move beyond
plaquinil if things get worse for me. You will get lots of answers and
support on this board and I know there are several people here taking
humira. Good luck on your decision and keep us posted.

The biologics are wonder drugs for some of us. Just make sure you are treated promptly when you catch a bug. Because your immune response has been suppressed  - the signs of infection are not as obvious.

I work a desk job in the corp world and there is always somebody sick working within 20 feet of me. Many of my co-workers have young children. I don't seem to catch 'the bugs' very often.

You just have to be a good hand washer - and keep your hands away from your face unless you have just cleaned them.

Unfortunately what works great for some doesn't for others.  I've been on Humira for about 6 months.  Its helped but not as much as Enbrel used to.  I haven't had any side effects at all.I have been on Humira for about 1 1/2 years now.  I am very careful about washing hands, etc.  However, I have found no difference in catching stuff--just doesn't seem to make a difference.  I have also noticed that when I get a cut or burn, I seem to heal faster than I did before.  My allergies seem to be more active and I do notice I sometimes I have breakouts on my skin--my face.  I work in a huge law firm around people with small children. 

I was on Humira for two years with excellent results and honestly had fewer infections than my husband who sleeps in the bed next to me. I have 4 children.....and they too had more infections than me during that time.

There is a risk though and you are wise to be cautious. Has your doctor mentioned MTX? If I were you that would be my next step up. That might buy you a couple years before you have to move on the HUmira or other biologics. That's what I did.

Good Luck.

I have been on humira since August and have no side effects.  It seems to help but I still have some problems however there is question as to if my other issues are ra related or something else. 

Anyway, I work as an Optician and I am around the public and haven't found that I get sick anymore than before.  I think its worth a try!
I have been on humira w/ MTX for a little over 2 yrs now. I havent gotten sick easier but I have noticed when I do, it seems to take longer to heal. I dont know if it is the drugs or the disease, but I do know that the humira has helped me a great deal! My rhuemy moved me on to biolgoics because my liver couldnt handle high doses of the MTX and couldnt handle arava at all. If you go on MTX or arava make sure they monitor your liver regularly. Good luck! ( I work at home, but have children who bring home all the bugs!) marksberryfarms39126.4557291667I have decided to try Humira.  I have read up on the newer drugs and I would like to wait until they have some history.  I have been on Enbrel.  I hope Humira helps.  I am in pretty bad shape.