colonsocopy | Arthritis Information


Well, friends, I had the colonoscopy they insisted I have.  Of course everything is fine.  I met Dr.  Ojo face to butt.  He did not offer to do my nails.  Surprisingly, he looked like Emmet Smith.  Hugh, black guy with football chest and shoulders and thick neck. Very nice guy.  In my anesthesia fog, I wondered if he could dance.  I hope I didn't ask him.

I'm going to the cardiologist this morning for more tests I'm sure.  Back to the hematologist on the 23rd.  I'm down to 5 mg prednisone, but still have quite a bit of pain.  Will all this ever end?  Hope you all have a reasonably pain free day.

Wonderful news Betsy!!! Have been thinking of you and wondering how you got on ect. I know we get so sick and tired, up and down emotionally with all these tests but to have another, maybe the big C... eliminated has to be positive. Pleased to hear Dr Ojo was not so bad after all.

Lets hope you get answers from your next medico visits and proper treatment. Do you think the worry of all this is contributing to your pain level? Lets know how the Cardiologist visit goes















Praying that all goes well with cardio......another chapter in your book of how to handle pain etc.   keep in touch please



How long have you had this awful disease?
Hey, how long has everybody else dealt with this?
Oh, colonoscopy, the worse. Glad it's over.

Glad to hear the colonoscopy is over and things are fine there. Now that you are down to 5 mg, is your pain worse? I'm praying you can continue to decrease, and then that your visit with the cardiologist goes well. Saw my PCP recently for women's exam (ecerything fine, and my cholesterol even went down, which I'm delighted with). I "complained" to her about my hip and groin pain, and asked if there was any way they could figure out if it was just due to really tight muscels somwhere or what wihtout having to do all the fancy expensive tests. According to her, I guess not. She ordered an MRI of the hip. Thankfully the hip is fine. I thought there'd be at least evidence of tendonitis, but no. She still thinks it's referred pain from my back, as the MRI showed "lots of arthritic changes in the lower back". Great. She said I can see physiatrist (no, 'cause I saw him 4 years ago, and he basiclly did nothing except to say "I can't do anything for you" - I think if you're not incapacitated, they don't want to bother), or I can have a series of 3 epidural steroid injections, which I am also declining at this point in time. I think my PCP was tempted to put me back on prednisone since I told her I had none of this pain while taking it, but since I started to hurt again at about 7 mg, she said that's too high a dose. Guess I will grit my teeth and carry on with my walking routine, which aggravates the hip. Oh, well. Always something it seems. At least I can walk!!!

Kewanee, you asked how long everyone has had this awful disease. Can't say for the rest, though it seems many are going on 2 years or more. Mine lasted almost 5 years. Hope that doesn't scare you; everyone is different. And it is gone as far as I'm concerned. I go for another sed rate tomorrow and DEXA scan. Will be interested to see if the walking regimen and vitamins have helped my low bone density.

Take care all, and Happy Valentine's day tomorrow!

Thanks Reni.

I saw someone say nine years on one forum I think.

Most medical sites say about two years. Seems strange that a disease comes and goes away within a few years. Makes me wonder if they even know. Do they even know what this is? They admit they don't know why it happens and they THINK it's blood vessel inflammation?

Maybe it is environemental.

Best Wishes and may it stay away and on the decline.


BETSY...your sense of humor is priceless! Sure wish you lived close'd make one heck of a neighbor!

I truly hope things are about to end as far as testing goes and the doctors finally know how to make you *pain free and well*. I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you and hope you have wonderful news to share soon! doctor and I are "guessing" that I"ve probably had this condition 2 or more years. In the beginning, I assumed it was terrible arthritis that just kept getting worse and worse and not responding to arthritis drugs for some unknown reason. Then, I began to fear my hips were disintegrating, or crumbling away! Many days I couldn't walk more than a few feet before having to sit. It was when I finally had x-rays that showed my hip bones to be *perfectly fine* that the doctor finally realized something else was going on. That's when all the extensive blood work began and she diagnosed PMR by a system of elimination. Within 2 hours of taking Prednisone, I felt 16 again! 

Spider's Mom39126.585625

How great to hear from all of you!  I didn't know what happened to some of you.  Nothing like a little colonscopy story to get people's attention, I guess.  Thank you all.  You made my day.  Dr. Ojo himself called yesterday to tell me all my tests were good.  I knew they were.  You know how I thought he would be oriental?  Well, he sounds more like, "I wont a Monwich, please."...that kind of accent. 

To answer Kew:  I've had PMR for 2 years, treated for l year this month.  I do still have quite a lot of pain, but it doesn't increase as I decrease the prednisone dosage.  I will have flare ups of 4 to 10 days, but then it settles down and is normal for me again. On those days I take darvocet and it works well for me.  That way I've never had to increase.  I WILL get off this prednisone drug from hell.  I may become a drug addict, but at least I won't have a fat face and cataracts.  I might even be thin and look (and see) really good.  I call prednisone our exorcism drug...and fantasize about evil, two headed, ugly little pain demons coming out of our bodies growling and screaming. That's the way I deal with PMR, laugh at it when I can, and cry when I can't laugh anymore.

You shouldn't have all sounded so interested, because now you have to hear about my visit with the cardiologist yesterday:  You truly will not believe this.  All these skipping heart beats and dizziness that they have tested me for since Jan 1 is most likely caused by my GP overdosing me on synthroid!  The very guy that sent me to the cardiologist is causing the problem!  She, the cardiologist said nothing about a leaky valve, said my sonogram was great, and generally doesn't see anything wrong.  She showed me on the GP's own test results that something about thyroid was supposed to be 15 or 19, I can't remember, and mine was 49.  She said it was way out of whack.  Can you believe that?  I told her I couldn't believe he would miss that.  She said doctor's do it all the time.

Anyhow, her only concern is hearing something in the carotid artery in my neck, which my GP hears too.  Sonograms two years in a row show nothing.  She says blockage doesn't have to be in the neck, so she will check it out further. So, now I will have a stress test.  So all of you PLEASE TELL ME ABOUT STRESS TESTS.   My instructions say to plan to be there 4 to 8 hours.  What the ....?????  What do they do to you for all that time?   I thought you just got on a treadmill for 10 or 15 minutes.

So, right now, after all the medical dust has settled, this is what I know for a fact:  I have a great colon and heart, and the rest of my body sucks. To be continued as test results are available

I'm sorry, this is getting to be a book.  I will name it, "My Life In The Waiting Room". Love to you all and have a really great day.

Spiders Mom. You are tooooo sweet!  But, you wouldn't want me for a neighbor.  I shoot their cats with a BB gun.  Now, everyone don't jump on me!!!! I love cats.  They taste just like chicken.

Really, cat lovers, it's just a joke. I only shoot their cats when they pee in my garage.  Otherwise, I'm a good neighbor. Love to you and thanks.

great news betsy:  yes u should write a book it would be a best seller, good luck with stress test. What is synthroid?  regards roseHI Betsy and all,
Betsy, seems like every time you go to a  Dr. you find something different, but thank the Lord all is coming out well, stress test are not that bad, and a lot of the time is just spent waiting, you do go on a tread mill type of machine, while you are hooked up to a monitor, and they are right there checking on you. Then I was put on a table that rotated, and they took pictures or x rays. but not a bad experience.
Kewanee, I have had this disease for 5 years, it started after my husband died suddenly, which was a shock to me and then I had major surgery. I am on 7.5 mg of pred now, take a darvoct for pain when I can not stand it any more, but it is still the fatigue that gets me, my whole body just does not work the same any more, pain in pelvic area and lower back, across my waistline. I do not know if this will ever go away, they say it does, but I am overdue. Love to all Georgiana
Hi  Rose, How are you sweetheart?  Synthroid is med for the thyroid.

Georgianna, I didn't realize your PMR started right after your husband died.  Mine did to...within a month.  I also take darvocet when the pain gets too bad.  I went to 5 mgs yesterday morning.  I'm so thrilled.  But, no way do I believe I will be pain free in 5 months when the prednisone is supposed to be over.  I think I will have the pain I have right now.  If it doesn't get any worse I will try to live with it. I haven't heard from you in a while.  Doesn't sound as if you are doing real great.  It's just awful for all of us, isn't it?

Thanks for the info on the stress test.  That's ridiculous to have to stay that long, but I guess I'll do it.  I'm feeling so much better now, but I can't even work for going to doctors and doing their tests.  What is making me feel better is the over the counter iron I started taking myself about 6 weeks ago. 

I hope you have a good day tomorrow. Love 

hi betsy:  tks for info. am still off the pred. am in my 5th month of neck problems, cervical spond., just finished phsyio., on demerol, in a lot of pain, had to cancel trip to Newfoundland for son's 50th b/d.  No rhumy anymore as she said I don't "have PMR" am still wondering why she would say that.....hey I managed to hand wash one sweater this a.m. and that just about did me in....oh well, still praying for the right answer to come    

regards rose   (u take care)P.S. What do you do when you're an empty nester? Adopt a couple of parrots. My husband deserves a medal for letting me do this. I am now the proud "mom" of a 2 year old green cheek conure and 3 1/2 year old sun conure. It is like having two toddlers in the house - really! But they help keep my mind off my aches and pains. They are cute and cuddly - and LOUD at times.

", pain in pelvic area and lower back, across my waistline. I do not know if this will ever go away, they say it does, but I am overdue. "Love to all Georgiana

Georgiana....I have not ever heard of anyone saying they had pelvic and lower back pain before with PMR.  I have had pelvic pain and it runs round to my back.  During the day it is not bad.  But, I go to bed and read and it starts...or if it doesn't hurt then, I will wake up in the middle of the night or next morning with it.   I've had a colon scope, bladder scope, and a cat scan and was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.  But, reading about IBS...most forums say that probably not.

I've had it for four years.   Last December I was diagnosed with PMR, because in August I had the most awful pain in my knees, hips, sacroiliac joints and shoulders.  Finally when to a rhuematologist and I am now on prednisone and taking Methetextric with the idea I will go off of prednisone.  The prednisone worked within two hours on the other pain but the pelvic pain stayed.  Right before Christmas, it quit for a couple days, but then came back.  I had been on prednisone then for about 10 days and thought that fixed it; but, it came back and is still here.

I had wondered about my pelvic pain and lower back pain could be part of PMR and am wondering if you believe it is part of PMR.  I'll have to ask my doctor when I go next month.    Mary


Good morning, folks.

Rose, that's just terrible.  You're on demarol?  My goodness, that must be awful.  Makes me feel real whiney. God bless you, sweetheat.  We'll just keep praying for relief for you.

Reni, "What do you do for empty nest syndrome?"  Rejoice, after you stop crying.  It is one of the saddest times in your life, but then, there's this new freedom that's wonderful.  Unless you're a Mrs.  Cleaver mom...then it will take longer.  I love it about your birds.  They are loud and messy but such a joy.  I had a cockateil once named Toby and enjoyed him so much.  Someday, I will have another bird.

Mary, that is strange about your pelvic pain.  Doesn't seem to go with everything else, does it? It's awful that we all share this world of pain.You know I went through a good deal of stress when my PMR started. I see others get it after a stressful period in their lives. I wonder just how many others get it after a stressful event?

I'll bet alot of us have other problems as osteoarthritis as well as PMR as well.

I take those Boniva infusions every three months instead of Fosomax or pills. Easy and I've not had any side affects with it.

~KewaneeKew, I hadn't heard about the Boniva infusions. Sounds good to me.  I get so tired of that weeklly sitting straight up for 20 min after I take Actonel.  I, too, wonder if PMR is stress related.  Mary,
  I have been having pelvic pain now for a couple of years.  I have every test known of that area, and never could they find anything, I asked my Dr. if it is related to pmr and he said it could, so I guess I have to take that for an answer, I also have a lot of pain all around that area hips,buttocks, so at times it seems like  I do not even know what the heck hurts. Hope you feel better.    Georgiana

You truly will not believe this.  All these skipping heart beats and dizziness that they have tested me for since Jan 1 is most likely caused by my GP overdosing me on synthroid!  The very guy that sent me to the cardiologist is causing the problem!  She, the cardiologist said nothing about a leaky valve, said my sonogram was great, and generally doesn't see anything wrong.  She showed me on the GP's own test results that something about thyroid was supposed to be 15 or 19, I can't remember, and mine was 49.  She said it was way out of whack.  Can you believe that?  I told her I couldn't believe he would miss that.  She said doctor's do it all the time.

PLEASE TELL ME ABOUT STRESS TESTS.   My instructions say to plan to be there 4 to 8 hours.  What the ....?????  What do they do to you for all that time?   I thought you just got on a treadmill for 10 or 15 minutes.


Hi Betsy,

I just started here but my "Life in the forum room" has been mostly spent in cardio and a-fib sites with a phd in arrythmias. And, during the past year, thyroid. So I wanted to say, your cardiologist is right: too much synthroid is a classic cause of irregular heart beats -- that is, a heart that's going to fast so it doesn't pump effectively so... it gets all riled up and starts missing beats and the blood doesn't get out -- hence, the dizziness.

The thyroid -- and its thermostat, the pituitary, are command central for the whole body. You need to have it monitored closely by someone who knows how to read and respond to the tests. It's best to learn to do it yourself. Also, thyroid imbalance is listed as a key cause in chronic muscle pain -- so maybe it's related to PMR.

A stress test is no big deal. Just wear your sneakers and be prepared to be run on a treamill. That's all there is to it. Now, they may do one, then inject you with a dye and repeat the test. I vaguely remember one like that and if that's the case, it may take a little longer. But it's definitely not even close to 8 hours!

I would say your cardiologist is right and your heart is fine; but the electrity in the heart -- the heart beat -- can be interferred with by the thyroid and that's what you have to watch out for.

I'm not sure about the number thing. But I do know you should get a very good endocrinologist -- that's what they're called -- to check you and prescribe exactly what you need.

Any other heart questions, just ask.

Enjoy the "stress test" -- it's totally unstressful


Julia, Thank you so much.  I am amazed that this is happening.  Such a simple thing as thyroid med has caused me so much grief. I have wondered about something that you mentioned.  About 1 1/2 years ago, they raised my synthroid to 75 mcg (from 50).  When I look back that's about when the PMR started.  Now, I'm wondering if this pain won't be relieved some if they get the synthroid right.  As to "read and respond to tests yourself", how do you do that?  I would love to be able to since the doctor has me so messed up.

I asked the cardio how the PC doctor could have missed something so simple.  She replied, "they do it all the time" and "yours is way out of whack".  I think mine orders a bunch of tests and then never reads the results.

Thanks for your input, very educational and informative.  Glad you joined the forum, and hope you enjoy it.  They are a great bunch of people trying to manage pain and still laugh sometimes. We will enjoy your sharing your knowledge and thoughts with us. 

    I am wondering if some of  the pain and everything is from your thyroid, when I was first going to the drs. and telling my symptoms, every dr. thought it was my thyroid causing me to have those symptoms. I agree with Julia that you should go to a endrocronologist.  I do know your thyroid plays a big part on how you feel. Check it out. Georgiana
