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Hello Everyone...I was wondering if anyone ever took Diclofenac SOD 50mg (Voltaren)?  The dr wants me to try it.  If anyone did, did u have any side effects?

Thanks A Bunch,


I use voltaren eye drops for inflammation in my eyes..not oral voltaren.

Sorry I'm not any help to you..but hope that the voltaren works for you without any problems.  I think maybe they can be a bit hard on the tummy.




I used to take diclofenac (for about 2 years off and on), had no problems but I know it can affect your stomach! I hope it helps.


Voltaren elevated my liver enzymes. I was only on it for 2 months.

My rheumy said Voltaren is known for that, in some people. I'm sure you're rheumy checks your liver counts frequently, if they go up you just stop taking it and go on some other NSAID. 

Lynk39126.6566550926Didn't work for me at all, but it is my brother's favorite nsaid. Every body is different.That was in the first group of meds that I took. I haven't heard it
prescribed as much any more. Didn't really seem to do much one way or
the other if I remember correctly. This was like 10 years ago.

I hope it works for you. Marian is right. Every drug effect everyone

BeckyBeen taking it (75mg twice a day) for about 6 years now.
No problems!!
Good luck

But that's just me. It works great for some people with no problems. Just be sure to eat with it. I'm now taking Mobic, which one of my docs said is the "next generation of Voltaren".

Good Luck! Hope it works well for you with no side effects at all.



