IT’s a good morning | Arthritis Information


I just love you guys.  I slept well last night.  Venting yesterday

Enjoy the concert!!


Hi Roxy,

I'm glad you're having a better day, me too

I know you'll have a great time tonight.....Sounds wonderful!

Never been on prednisone, a friend of mine that has had terrible for Lupus for 25+ years told me to reserve that for when my breathing problems are not solved with anti-inflam (at the moment they are working well on that front).

I think you are right about my Dr though, I have left 2 messages with no call back.  Last time I had a problem with med I had to leave 3 messages and it took 5 days to hear back.  Not good at all!!

I love you guys too, I just needed to get it out to feel better.

Let me know how the wrist splint works for you.  I tried one once and it made it hurt worse

Roxy, feel good and have a BLAST tonight!



I am so glad to see you are feeling better!!!!

That was the first coarse of treatment my RD took when he dignosised me all those years ago; and it's still our first line of defense when things go down hill.

It's not the type of thing you should have to save. Check into it. I agree with the others that this might just bring you around.



Have a great time at the concert.


Don't let your Drs office get away with treating you like that. If they don't call back in a reasonable amount of time, call them back again. Keep after them when you have a problem.

BarbGood to see you are feeling good!!! I have felt good
RA wise for a little over 2 weeks.. i think the enbrel is
finally kicking in... and im even going lower on my

Hope the good times keep rolling!!!!
