Vision question | Arthritis Information


Does anybody out there have vision problems? My vision literally changes daily.  I was told about a month ago by my new optomotrist that my vision had tripled from my current strength prescription.  He said that my previous Dr. had not gotten my prescription right and that my glasses were too weak.  So I don't know if he is right or if my vision has changed that much due to inflammation or whatever over the past year.  All I know is that I can't see squat.  Friday I could see great, up close and far off!  Everything was clear but today I can't see far off again and close up is not good.  It is also rainy here and that always make things worse for me.  I have just been dx but have been having symptoms but no swelling for about 3 years.

Your vision can flucuate for several reasons.  Some medications, such as pain pills and muscle relaxers can relax the muscles in your eyes causing blurriness.  Also, dry eyes-as your cornea dries out it causes distoration, try using an over the counter drop called systane. 

Are you diabetic?  As your blood sugar changes, so can your vision.

Try the drops and check your meds, if the flucuation continues for more than a few days or you see lots of flashes of light or lots of floaters, call your doctor as it could be a sign of more serious things.

I work for an optometrist and see an opthalomogist on a regular basis as I have cronic uvietis from my ra.  I know its frustrating, my vision goes "wacky" sometimes as well and its not always possible to pinpoint the exact cause!

My vision has improved actually since taking MTX/Celebrex.  Rheumatologist claims it could be due to swollen eyes, now relieved due to the medication.  My contacts RX was recently cut in half.  MY rheumatologist claims there hasn't been a recorded medication corrected 20/20, but I am crossing my fingers.  That would be cool I guess :)

