Not RA related, Pictures of my puppies! | Arthritis Information


I hope posting this is ok butI just downloaded a bunch of pictures of my camera so thought I would post a few! Remember, I don't have kids so my puppies are my babies!

Here are some pics of my babies.

Dixie is prego and due in March. Not far away!

Betsy is also prego and due in April.

My boy Silver. I told my RA dr I got to be better by April as I got to get ready to show him in some shows.

Lilly also going to be shown.

And Nifty whom I have sold and will be heading down to TX next month.

I have to get better soon as hubby says that if I can't be able to take care of and do things with them they all have to be sold. Horses are my greatest passion and if I don't have them I would just want to do nothing. They are what gets me up and going everyday.

Loved the pictures, Michele....put a smile on my face for sure!

Beautiful horses you have Brenna!

I think animals bring much joy to people. They offer unconditional love to
everyone. My cat of 17 years was put to sleep last week so we are grieving
still. She developed renal failure and started bleeding from her eyes from
the high blood pressure so we didn't have a choice. But she brought us 17
years of joy and I know she no longer is suffering. Thanks for sharing your


Thanks for the pictures.  The babies are so cute.  I love Harley's underbite

Lorster, sorry about your baby.  I know losing a member of the family is so hard.  She was such a part of your family for so long.


Your horses are beautiful.  May you feel better soon!

I just got a new puppy!  Her name is dolce.  When I learn how to post pictures, I will post one.  She is sooo much fun!


Yes, beautiful horses indeed Brenna!  You sure are going to be busy this Spring with all the babies!

Lorster, I am so sorry about your kitty.  My Chloe kitty got hit by a car this summer right in front of me, it was awful.  I had Coco kitty for 14 years and she died a few years ago of some sort of colon cancer.  I still miss.
Loved all the animal pics - they give so much to our lives. I couldnt imagine my life without a pet for company and it is nice to see that there are such well loved pets out there.

I think all of the animals shown are so cute...we have animals (2 cats and a dog). it worked out that are cats are actually bigger than my dog, oh well! i agree that animals can brighten things up and they are deffinatly looked at as family in my house. my sister (shes 16) and my mom refer to me as aunt jessie in regards to my pets!.

I hope everyone enjoy's their valentines day! (and to your pets to)


lorster - sorry for your loss.

I had my old cat for 18 years-he had to be put down because of renal failure too. He was a dear friend.

I currently have 4 cats. Three of them are 'foundlings'. The 4th Miss Hissy is about 16 years. She is still going strong. My DH got her for his son when he was 6 or 7...but Miss Hissy didn't care for boys. She was about 2 or 3 when I first met her and she adopted me.

There are lots of good animals out there needing a loving home....

All but 2 are Rescues that I couldn't part with... There are so many out there needing homes...

I totally relate.  What would I do without my babies.  I am on my couch with two weimeraners on one side and my chihuahua baby on the other.  I still miss my Yorkie Chico terribly but I am loving Foxy, my gift for God and a wonderful woman for new reasons.  I have forgot and have not been up to posting pics, but I would love to share someday soon.  All of your animals are beautiful.  Michele, your babies are beautiful but they made me a little sad as they reminded me of my Chico.  What would we do without our pets Okay, I'm extremely do I put my picture of my baby on here?  (stop, what a great bunch of "kids" you have there!!!

[QUOTE=Tinker]140 UK males checked out this thread - betcha

Why are my posts coming out with those colors in them, time for me to be the silly one!!

Loved all the pics, what beautiful animals!!  It's a proven fact that animals are good for our health, both mental and physical.
