Deanna -re knee surgery | Arthritis Information


Deanna, please see my post under Bouncing Back by Cassie, would repost here but I am off to the rheumy today and must finalize my list of questions and get mentally ready.  Hugs, Pat

It really all depends on how long you need to be off your RA medication, people have stated they load up on prednisone before surgery.  I didn't (before open heart surgery) and had to wait weeks to take any RA medication (the healing process and all)  Mine was an extreme case, but anyone needing surgery has to get their doctor(s) together on the same page (I didn't) and make a very good plan for AFTER the surgery. I was taking a small amount of Methotrexate before, the whole experience caused me the worst pain and suffering from neck/shoulder/position on the operating table (that's a problem for 5 hours with your arms spread out!) and now have to take more powerful drugs (Remicade,prednisone, plus MXT!) it's been a long road back to 'normal' and I've still got pain at night. Your are ever so smart to iron this out before you go in to surgery, because Surgeons, RA doctors, GP's just seem to all think differently.  I found my GP helpful in keeping all the records, sorting out the many meds, etc.I  wish you luck, hurting less.




If you have a chance please check out my post on the 9th, RA & Surgery. Thanks, hurting less after december 1st. surgery

I am having trouble getting the docs all on the same page. This is particularly evident with the PT. I'm currently doing it for neuropathy which has mysteriously been changed to FM. After the surgery, supposedly I will be doing just knee PT and then a month later shoulder PT. My therapist really, really thinks I need to push the shoulder surgery out further. I think I'll follow his advice.

The pain specialist wants to add manual (massage) therapy. But the physical therapist said that it would be too much to throw into the mix right now.

It was confusing to say the least. While I am trying to coordinate my doctors, it's difficult. They each want to deal with their own little part and the primary isn't really dealing with the overall picture. I am worried about hitting a big flare. I'm already off most of my RA meds which probably is a good thing. And, I don't see the new Rheumy until after the first of April.
