Itching to death!! | Arthritis Information


Dont know if Humira has anything to do with this,  but thought I would ask if anyone has had any experience with it  that was similar.  I layed out for 1 1/2 Saturday.  Right away I looked fried and I have olive skin and dont fry hardly at all.   But this was bright red and it started to itch right away.  Along with my arms and any other exposed part of my body.  My head even itches.  I called Humira and they have never heard of that before.  So I ask you my trusted friends has this ever happened to you before and how did you make it stop.  I have  used sprays alchol etc.  I had to put socks on my hands the other night so I would stop itching. ThanksYes!  Call your doctor or a doctor on call.  That is a sign of a drug allergy.  Are you taking any antibiotics at all?  I had the same reaction (without the laying out part) the first time I had a reaction to penicillin.

Usually the first thing they try is Benadryl. You can buy it over-the-counter. Also calomine lotion for itching relief. It sounds like one of the meds you take has caused a reaction to the sun. If simple remedies don't solve the problem, then call your Dr or whoever is on call. It probably won't go away by itself.

Barbhehe reading ur post made me itchy!!! I hope you feel better soon hun, try putting something cold on you that always keeps me from scratching, soothes a lil bit of the itching. Good luck! Franny, it is possible that Humira could make you more sun sensitive.   While sun sensitivity is not a specific side effect of Humira, lupus like symptoms are a side effect and I know that many lupus patients are sun sensitive.  Also, are you on any other meds?  That might be a cause as well.  This sounds like it is not at all mild.  My gut reaction would be try oral benadryl, topical benadryl and call the doc.  oatmeal baths supposedly healp sunburn as does vinegar.  i also don't remember if you have any other diseases but i know shortly after i was dx'ed with fibro, my skin became even more sensitive to the sun and since i'm fair skinned, it made it worse so now i stay out of the sun as much as possible even though i am not on any meds to cause it to be worse.  which is sad as you'd think living at the beach, i'd be really tan. nope i am whiter than white and almost glow. 

Franny, I'm on Humira and MTX and I've noticed I can't be in the sun like I use to. I don't hide from it...but I always use sunscreen; which I rarely if ever did in the past (Stupid Idea, I know guys).

I remember once getting a reaction like you're talking about when I was on Sulfersalazine. Ouch!! Seems like Benadryl and some aloe soothed me through that episode.

For the record; I "itch" more than I have before Humira. I have tiny bumps on my back and chest that I plan to have my doctor look at next time I'm in...but see no reason to rush in to have them checked out. Could be related...might not be. It's certainly not so bothersome that I'd want to be taken off Humira.

I use to worship the sun. Loved a nice sexy tan. I layed out constantly when my kids were younger. I'd lay by the pool all day while my kids jumped off the diving board in diapers with swimmies on. They were water babies and I was a sun lovin Momma!! I don't have time for it these days; which is good because for what ever reason I just can't take it like I use to. I do know your desire for a cute tan though. It just seems to make everyone look better doesn't it?

If anyone knows of a good "Rub on Tan" I'd love to hear about it.



The meds we take cause us to be sun sensitive and we can't lay out in the sun like we use to.  Take benedryl and you can use calamine lotion in a spray can to spray on it, it works really really well.  My husband has photo- dermatitis and he can not be out in the sun unless he is wearing long sleeves and being the typical male he doesn't follow the rules. so I keep the benedryl and the calamine spray out all the time.  It works like a charm!!!!  When you shower use Aveeno body wash it helps calm the skin too.  Let us know how you are doing.  meme

I do take Sulphasalizine, and Humira, Valtran, prednisone speradically etc.  One of them is the culprit I know it.  I knew how to water ski before I could walk.  My Dad raced boats and I grew up In California so this was a shock to me.  But it does make sense that the yucky stuff In my body is probably the cause.  I am going to Lake Shasta, In California next month so I am going to to be covered from head to toe.  I tan so fast becuase my skin is light olive.  Oh well some good things must pass huh/  I will try the benadryl for sure.  I have done oat bathes with positively no hel and a bunch of gunk in my tub.  Still waiting for Humira to kick me into high speed.  I could tell my so called Dr. but he would not care nor remember who I am and what drugs he has given me so I will save myself the aggrevations of calling him a big old --c- A--.  Thanks for your good responses as always love to all

Franny, It was prolly the sulfasalizine.. when i took it the doc told me to stay OUT of the sun.. i had the reaction and the first thing he asked was was i in the sun. I told him i was in the sun for like 15 minutes while walking from car to building and back, and that i had a long sleeved jacket on. He thought that amount of sun could have dome something, but not through my jacket. So with me being fair FAIR skinned and as red as a lobster and itching.. i discovered that i was allergic to sulfa drugs,..went to GP got solumedrol and 2 days off work!(was told i shoulda gone to ER right away since ihad chest pains and it was hard to breathe!) I survived and changed docs!

Hope things stop itching for ya!

Help....I'm on Sulfasalazine and this is my first summer on it.  Sun sensitivity means you burn more easily or what?  Can someone educate me here!Just to let you all know there is clothing out there now with spf50 in the clothing that helps to keep you from burning.  Alot of people don't know this but you can still get a sunburn through your clothes.  I have some of this clothing and it does work like a charm and what is really nice is you can wash and wash this stuff and the spf won't wash out!!!!  meme

Franny; I'd say it's the Sulfersalazine. That's what I was on when I got that burn and it wasn't like a regular sun burn you usually get. It really really stung and hurt. Be careful.

Karen; you too. Always use sunscreen and limit your time in the sun until you know how you react. I'm sure I didn't totally hide from the sun after that; but you will need to take precautions.


ok, well that answers my question, kind of, i have now done as i was told and upped my sulpha to 5 a day and supposed to be 6 from today, but i keep getting what i can only describe as a kind of nettle rash. and yeah more so on the bits that have been in the sun walking to and from school. i had sun screen on too. do you think it could be because i have upped it? originally i thought it might be a reaction to the sun screen as it was a new one, but it happened again a couple days later, and funnily enough i was sat here trying desperately not to scratch my skin when i found this post

Is there ever gonna be an end to everything that happens? i am so fed up with there always being 'something else' to add to the list!!

and nobody ever told me about sulpha and the sun

Nobody ever told me about Sulpha either.  I am going to California and am going to be on a house boat for 5 days and avoiding the sun will be virtually impossible.  I have quit now taking the sulpha drug just until I get home because I do not want to have a horrible reaction or itch my body to death and feel like I have been fried.  I did not consult my doctor about this because, well we all know why!  It does seem like it is one thing after another.  I am guessing it will not ever end I think sometimes will be better and some will be worst.  I guess we are just lucky!!!!!!!