how many people here have RA and fibro | Arthritis Information


so i was wondering how many people have RA OR PA and fibro? and which came forst for you? the RA or the fibro? I have RA and Fibro.  The Fibro was Dx'd first but I believe that they both began close to the same time.I have RA, PA and fibro. I was first dx'd with RA then fibro then PA. I believe that the fibro started with the RA, but was dx'd later.I was diagnosed with OA and fibro first then later they added RA and Sjogren's. From what I've read here, it is pretty common to have both.I have all three too.  OA from passed injuries.  I am finding the fibro might be the most difficult to deal with unless my RA is flaring, then I think RA is the hardest I have had fibro for nearly twenty years.  My rheumy is saying a sero-negative RA-like inflammatory arthritis for now which started almost a year ago.Fibro for almost 30 years.  RA for one year now.  My RD told me that many people with RA end up with at least some fibro symptoms, even if they don't have the whole range of it.  I suspect that is probably related to that genetic tendency for autoimmune conditions.

I also have RA and Fibro, but started with OA many years ago. My doc suspected autoimmune disease, but tests were not conclusive, as I now know is not unusual.

As far as actual diagnosis went, OA first, fibro for probably many years, but not diagnosed by a rheumy til about 6 years ago. Official RA diagnosis 1 year ago, but they say I've had it for some time before that.

Have both RA and Fibro. Both are bad. The doctors consider the FM worse and I would say it is harder to treat. What's hard about the combination is that the RA makes exercise and sleep difficult which keeps the FM from getting better.

I feel like an autoimmune disaster with multiple autoimmune diseases. I wish that they would figure out how to turn off the trigger that starts these illnesses to begin with. That's what I want them to target.

its interesting, i think every one that hs written started with fibro. with the exeption of OA. than later diagnosed with RA,or Pa. I have had firbro for many years, just recently diagnosed with PA. OA, then RA then Fibro for me.I've had FM for 7 years, and then RA started last year.  I agree that the tendency for multiple auto-immune conditions is there, so I'm just hoping not to add any more letters...