thanks everyone | Arthritis Information


hi just wanted to say thanks to everyones replies.  i see my consultant 2mora and i feel more fired up to ask questions and hope he will try other meds with me.  just starting to experience my 3rd flare up in 6 weeks so something is going on.  seeing some of your stories gives me hope and i wish you all well.  my consultant is very open minded and i have to say that without him i don't know where i would be.  after the fibro was dx i went down hill and ended up in a wheelchair, when i moved area and met this consultant it took him 18 months to have me up and about and coping and managing, it is hard work though but if anyone has any questions reagrding the fibro i would be happy to answer to the best of my ability.  reagrds my diet and some of your answers, i have discovered there is no obvious connection between food and ra but somethings in large quantities do seem to aggrevate it.  i'll say goodbye for now and hope to report some more news 2mora.

thanks again 