RA & the Nightshade veggie issue? | Arthritis Information


What is the latest opinion on the 'to nightshade or not issue'? I talked to my RA doctor one summer, and he doesn't believe it is a problem, so........passing lovely tomatoes, bell pepers, etc. (and wanting them in salads!) I through caution to the wind and ate them for a week or two.  I had the worst flareup you can imagine!! So what do you all think?


I think it depends on your body type and metabolism and there are 2 ways to figure it out.

1) pay one of those docs for a test that determines your metobolic type - can cost hundreds of dollars.

2) Experiment on youself and figure out if certain foods set you off.  Take everything out and slowly add in one at a time.  If it does not work in your body - you should know in a couple of days.  Cost is free. 

You mentioned in your post it was a week or two later - my gut reaction is that it was something else that set you off - or just a regular flare.


dEAR PIP, I meant that I kept eating the tomatoes, bell peppers, potatoes (all of which I love!) and had the flare up after eating them everyday. I'd avoided them before believing the contributed to my stiffness/pain. I believe they do! thanks for responding



Then why didn't you flare within 3 days?

P.S. Regular potatoes shouldn't bother you - just the red skinned ones.  Nightshades don't bother me so I didn't have to avoid them.  I've read on other sites about the potatoes tho - thank God - I'm slavic and LIVE on potatos.  LOL

Dear PIP, I'm not sure how soon I had the flare up. It was a while ago and I wasn't as aware of the 'problems' with RA then as I am now. I just was hoping my doctor was right and that it didn't matter. It did matter to me (especially those red, ripe, juicy farmer's tomatoes and the bell peppers) I don't touch any of them now.Hi = there is a website regarding nightshades & RA. Also books have been written on the subject - the main proponent of this theory is Dr Norman Childers. It appparently does work for some people.   I tried it for about 2 months & it made no difference but I think you are meant to try it longer than that - I have no willpower! Love tomatoes, peppers, potatoes etc.   If you are unable to find the site post again & I will have a look on the net for you.

Cassie, thanks I'd love to go to the website, if it isn't too difficult. hurts


hi hurts
i would like an ansswer to this one too!   ate a lovely dinner of meatballs in tomatoe and pepper sauce the other day and the next i ached all over.  was it a coincidence?  dont know.  but i will try it again in about a weeks time just to see if i get the same reaction.
Hi - it seems for some people there is a connection - I try everything when the pain gets back enough. Dr Norman
Childers was I think a Prof. of Horticulture at Florida University & picked up a connection with his wife's RA & nightshades. There is quite a lot on the net about him but you could start off with these

http://noarthritis.com/recipies/recipies_frm.htm (that is how recipes was spelt - think 'noarthritis.com would get you there.)

www.gloriagilbere.com/Recipes.htm - not a lot of recipes but what there are look nice & there is info on nightshades & arthritis.

The noarthritis site has info. on Dr. Childers and is a foundation set up to acknowledge his work with salicylates & arthritis.
Hope these are of interest - it is late here & I am getting tired so let me know if you need further info & I will see what I can find.

There was a regular poster on the original AI site - Gary - who at one stage went on an elimination diet and then gradually came back on to food groups one by one - think he ended up deleting nightshades and wheat.  He was following guidelines from a website, the name of which I cannot locate at the moment - if I find it, will let you know.  Someone else here might know of it.

Some folk seem to benefit from avoiding certain foods; Gary did - but each person is different.  I love all the foods nominated as best to avoid, and haven't really tried to do without and find substitutes.


I think it is really low though like only about 1%-2% of RA sufferers benefit from giving up nightshade veggies.

If anyone has benefitted let us know.

I am pretty skeptical of alternative remedies, especially when it means giving up french fries and salsa!I just started a Dr Joshi 3 week detox, which is not an RA diet but it does eliminate red meats, gluten, fruit and nightshades. I didn't do it for my RA but I'll see if it helps it. So far the hardest thing is no coffee, but I've only been on it for one day. the dieting thing, I KNOW is a factor in my flares if I have too much.
white bread, and bread in general flares me up if I have more than a little bit. Im talking knuckles, ankles, knees, the whole nine.

I tried an ellimination diet, which was impossible for me to stick to because I have no will power, but my symptoms improved greatly.
try the makers diet, or gods diet

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