Really down. | Arthritis Information


So I take my first Enbrel injection and stay on the 20mg MTX that I have been on for almost 5 months, spend the following day in bed all day with extreme fatigue, Thursday the fatigue is somewhat better, Friday and Saturday I had 2 only moderately painful days and this morning I can't walk, severe pain in my knees and ankles. 

The one thing that I so want to do each week is attend church and I can't get up long enough to dress or do my hair.  I don't understand at all.  I know that I need to stay positive but this is too much.  The one way that I gather strength was taken away from me this morning.  I think I will make an appt. with my Psycologist tomorrow.

Then I also read on a link here that part of SS's criteria for inflammatory arthrits disability is a lab conformation.  Gee what about being sero-negative?  I just might do better trying for a "head" or depression check and if that is what it takes, oh well.

I am grateful for a place to vent as hubby got all of the crying this morning and I hate to mess up his day as well.


Even if you can't get up and make it to Church you can still spend time with the Lord at home from bed if you have to.

My Sunday routine includes coffee in bed and Joel Osteen on TV. His message is always up lifting to me and encourages me to remember; Tomorrow's a new day. Just because today is bad does not mean all is lost.

I'm sorry you're having a rough time with things. Don't give up.....things will improve. Just keep the faith.


Bonny, so sorry that you cannot do the one thing that you really want to do, hope this is a temporary setback.  Also hope that others who have taken Enbrel will join in to let you know how long it took for them to get results.  As for lab confirmation in seronegative RA, have the had the CCP or anti-CCP test? Sometimes this is positive when the RF is negative.  If you have a psychologist, seeing him/her would be really helpful, I think. With them we can pour out all the fears, frustrations, anxieties and anger that we try to keep from our families.


Bonny-I'm sorry to hear you are having such a rough time o things.  I understand about being able to go to church, I really hate when I miss (like today!)  But Lovie is right.  You can still spend time with the Lord.  I know ithat it is not the same as the fellowship with other, but it is important.  Many times I get discouraged because I can't make church and have to go a whole week 'on my own' (no close christian friends at this time) but at these times it is even more important to 'fight back' and not let the enemy defeat you in this area.

I really hope you are feeling better soon,  You have lots of friends here, and can always feel free to vent.  Lots of hugs to you!!

  I know missing  church  really   is  hard..      there  are  times  I  dont  get  there  but  I  am not  sure  what  your  faith  is  but    if  you 

  can get  to  your puter  and  you have  a  good  connection  ie  dsl  or  cable  then

  calvary  chapel of  ft  laurderdale  has  a  awesome  web  stream of  their live  sunday  service  and  the  sat  night  service.

 pastor  bob  coy is  also  a  great  speaker.  I  live  in  NY  but  if  I miss  church  I  will  tune  in  to the  service   from  ft  laurderdale  its  not  the  same as  being  there  but  they really  doa  great  job broadcasting  over  the  web.

other   churches  do as  well   but  noone  i  have  seen  does  a  great a  job  as  ft  laurderdale.

they  have  the  worship ,   everything  and  the  sound  is  clear  it's  almost like  being  there.



    Hey Bonny---Sorry you are feeling down; but it's not time to give up hope on the Enbrel. The typical time for it to work is at least 2 full weeks; with full effect not definite for 3 months. This is probably unrelated and  a " flare' you would have had anyway.

  I am a bit down myself. i did my second injection today. Nothing good yet--as a matter of fact i have had headaches for the last 4 days( I do not routinely get them). I know it is listed as a ' common' side-effect; just hoping it is one that lessens with adjusting to the drug. Who knows though.  Lou

Bonny- I hope you are feeling better.  I take Enbrel and I think it has helped, although it did take 2-3 months before I really felt the effects. My mornings are much easier and my energy level has been given a large boost.  I know it may seem like a long time for Enbrel to work, especially given the price, but I'm sure you will feel much better.  Also, I agree with Felines4ever - have your doc test for Anti-CCP.  Although this test is somewhat new, it is much more specific for RA.  Best wishes.Hang in there Bonny - hope you feel better soon.
Tr to get some rest and relaxation until the Embrel
kicks in - it seems to work well for some people so hopefully it will for you too as well.   I think seeing a psychologist or counsellor is a good idea & feel free to vent here whenever you need to - we know what you are going through and it is not easy to deal with.
Best wishes,

Bonny, I agree.Having someone who will listen and help is sometimes a really good idea. I am sure alot of us know what it's like to have the one thing we really look forward to, be the one thing we can't do on a certain day or week. I know I understand exactly what that feels like. Been living that one for a few months. A counselor can be a lifesaver when it all looks pretty bleak.   It's just hard to feel so bad. I really hope your doing alot better soon. Hugs Bonnie, I am so sorry you are feeling so rotten.  Its hard to stay positive when you feel so bad for so long but we must hang in there.  Take it one day at a time.... My sister is sero-negative, and was granted SS disability on her first try at age 48. All anybody has to do is look at her to tell that she's seriously impaired by arthritis. The most important thing is to have a good doctor who keeps good records of the progress of your disease and the medications you've taken, and who will take the time to write a convincing narrative to attach to the stuff you submit to Social Security. Don't give up hope because of somebody else's experience, your's may very well be different. Hang in there!! HI Bonnie, Sorry to hear you are not doing very well. I hope you feel better soon.   You are always welcome to vent here. We understand. Hugs I thank everyone for the replies.  I really needed them while the family was at church and then the fellowship dinner after.  You all have some great ideas and yes I will be patient and give the Enbrel a chance.  You are right that it was probably coming with or without Enbrel.  I had a 4 day one two weeks ago and this one is in it's second day and in between is bad but these flares that put us to bed, wow.

I am emotionally better today since telling people that understand helps somehow.  I hate to always tell hubby and son.  They are so good to me and I hate the painful look in their eyes when I talk to them but they do need to know what is going on sometimes.

Thanks to all again.

Bonny- I hope you feel better soon! my grandfather had both his knees replaced so him and my grandmother couldn't go to church, they would watch one of the services on tv, but it wasn't the same. she was so upset, and i told her as long as she prayed she could be anywhere and god would listen. anyhow, feel better.


HI Bonny, get better soon!

I don't know if your church has communion but I know at ours we do and we have people bring to the people that can't get to church> or maybe ask your pastor/rev/ whatever to come out and visit you. I work as a secretary at our church (when I can) and our Rev goes and visits people and lifts them up. You will never know ifyou don't ask.
