Hands and feet | Arthritis Information


I have not written too many times but I do enjoy reading what is going on and the input from other people I was diagnosed with infammitory arthritis on my first visit with my Rhumetologist. The small joints in my hands and feet are just very painful. I am on month 2 of methotrexate(slight inprovement) my dose was just upped to 15 mg a week along with folic acid 1 mg and prednisone 5 twice daily. All my blood work is coming back normal except for a pos ANA. I feel I have along road ahead as the rest of you do to find something that really helps. I am constantly sleeping, I don't know if its from the MTX or what. I am just learning all this and its hard. I have just started all these meds in December. Hopefully The dr. will hit on something soon, Tylenol is not cutting it for the pain, would it be out of line to ask for something stronger so soon? I work for a doctor and am afraid of the possibility of addiction. Any advise?

Chrise~Welcome to AI.

I don't think it would be out of line to ask for something stronger for pain.

I take tramadol and muscle relaxers at night and on weekends if I'm not feeling good. I don't take them while I'm working although I probable could. I do take Advil for pain during the day. Tylenol doesn't do much for me. You can take up to 4 Advil at a time and it would be exactly the same as prescription strength. Maybe try that during the day.

I imagine the MTX is making you sleep. I've been on it for years; but that first year I really fought the fatigue constantly.

Hope things start to look up for you soon. Hang around.....this is a nice group of people here with tons of experience.

The inflammatory process itself tires a person out - sometimes to the level of severe fatigue. I think you will find that as the slow acting mtx finally gets going you will begin to feel better all over.

Do talk to your rhuemy about both fatigue and pain. Ask for help. I find if I just talk about symptoms I often do not get any new treatment (this has been going on for 30 years) but when I ask for help, I usually get something to try! Perhaps my presentation of problems is too low key.

I want all newbies to know this.  I KNOW I am not addicted to pain pills and I take strong ones.  I truly believe that if you are in real pain, they do not get you high.  They effect your functioning but it is  not high.  There is no feelings of being high - honestly - only some relief of pain.
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