Trouble Signing In | Arthritis Information


Hi All,

I've been periodically looking at all your posts, unable to reply.  For some reason, whenever I tried to sign in, I kept being told that there was a 'cookie' problem.  I just couldn't figure it out.  I've been eating the same cookies as always, there are no crumbs on the keyboard and they are obvously not harming my health as I've been losing weight!!  LOL

Seriously, don't know why my PC kept on refusing to let me in.  I've changed no settings recently.  By fluke, today, I went on the main Arthritis Insight Home page, clicked on Forum and then logged in!  I'd tried 3 times earlier on.  Maybe there was something wrong with the shortcut I use.  These darned machines really get me frustrated sometimes.  Like a man.  Can't live with them, can't live without them!!!

So, I'm back now, and will try and resume contact again.  Hope you all are keeping your spirits up: Spring is just round the corner.  Here in the UK, I have daffodils and crocuses starting to bloom in my garden and all the young Spring growth is starting on many plants.  My Camelia, named 'Debbie' is in full bloom with huge rose-like flowers of a vibrant pink.  Other plants are beginning to wake up, and now that we have moved our PC to another room I have lovely view of mine and other's back gardens.

My new 'baby' Chewie, is now 20 weeks old and has an appointment for 12th March to have his 'bits' chopped.  Until then, he is not going out as I don't want him to be the cause of any other unwanted kittens!  We go round the garden with him in a harness; he's getting used to the ouside, so it won't be too much of a shock to him when he goes out on his own for the first time.

So, the RA is continuing to be stable at the moment, though my hands are a touch swollen at the moment. Nothing really, compared to the past.

Hope this finds you all in good spirits if not in good health! 


Hi Dawn

Glad you got back on to this site and glad your RA is still stable.

I too have daffodils poking their heads up at the moment but we only moved to this house at the end of summer last year and the garden needs so much doing to it that i cant manage but I have a garden company coming to give me a quote to build a patio and lay some new turf then i can get hubby to do some planting. A visit to Columbia Road  ( dont know if you have heard of it)would be lovely so hopefully i will have a few good days and that will be on my agenda.


Our cat managed to settle when we moved here and didnt find it too hard to find her way around ( she only has 3 legs) so I hope yours gets his "outdoor" legs .



Thanks Pin Cushion. 

I'm in North Surrey.  I haven't heard of Columbia Road, what part of the country is it in?  When I'm feeling good we have the National Horticultural Societey's Wisley Gardens about a 20 minute drive from us, and it's lovely to walk round there.  We've been in thsi house for 14 years now and the garden isn't that big, but it alwasy needs something doing to it!  They are a labour of love aren't they? 

Columbia Road is in london( i am in kent). It closes down on a sunday and it is full of plants, shrubs , pots trees etc for sale at really low prices . I bought a beautiful bottle brush from them 5 years ago and it flowers lovely every year. Columbia Road is used on quite a few t.v programmes and i think they had a series called "columbia Road Gardens" on UK style at one point.

Gardens are a labour of love, its the labour that i hate though ( hubby does well there)

I wish I could see your flowers. Sounds so lovely.

Glad you were able to get back in, Dawn...and glad you're doling well.