Newbie --Tender Ribs? | Arthritis Information


Hi there,
I've only posted a few times, but I have been experiencing very
tender ribs -- so sore that even to touch them hurts.

Anyone else ever had this problem with their RA??

Thanking you in advance,

I get the same thing as well...not as often as with my other joints though.

Thank you for that ribs hurt are not alone and it is painful !!!  sometimes sitting in a warm bath in water that reaches your ribs helps



Hi there!

Oh, thank goodness!! I have been so worried something ELSE was
going wrong!! It is such a relief to hear that others have the same
rib pain.

Many thanks for easing my mind!!!!!!!!

JInxThis is a new one on me, but I'd believe anything 'can hurt'. It must hurt everytime you breath, sneeze, caugh or yawn. I had some pulled chest muscles once and boy that was bad.  I hope you feel better soon.My ribs have bothered me for years.  I thought it was my Fibromyalgia!  Just came down with RA one year ago.