MRI | Arthritis Information


I've noticed some people on this board and others stating they get yearly MRIs.  Is this common?  I was diagnosed about 2 1/2 years ago and I've never had any MRIs.

Just curious.


I'd probable had RA 10 years or more before I had my first one.

X-Rays are very common early on; but MRI's are expensive and not really nessesary unless you have some sort of problem your doctor can't quite get to the bottom of.

I have had MRI's ordered before surgery by ortho doc. I've never had one ordered by Rhuemy. Perhaps they will become more common as they become cheaper. I think the last one taken 2 years ago of 1 knee was 0.00

I've only had one ordered by my RD. That one was on my leg/knee. The other one was after my RD referred me to a spine specialist and then he ordered the MRI after he saw my X-rays and wanted a better look.

I'm not 100% sure of the total cost but I've had to come out of pocket close to 00 both times. Course my deductable is 00 and when I get into these sorts of test I have to meet my deductable.

I won't ever encourage a doctor to do one unless it's absolutely nessesary because I hate to pay that much. Both time guess what they found out? I have arthritis! lol