Vitamin B-12 Deficiency | Arthritis Information


Hello everyone! Does anyone else have a vitamin B-12 deficiency?

I am going to start B-12 shots and was wondering how long it would take to feel better and what kind of relief I may have.

Thank you all for your help!!!


 I have been dealing with extreme fatigue and wondered if B-12 injections would help.  I am on methotrexate, sulfasalazine, plaquenil, and folic acid.

The day after the methotrexate, I feel as though I have been hit by a truck, just over all achiness, even more fatigue than usual and dizziness.  I do not like it, but it appears to be helping.  At least I do not get sick on it.

Just trying to figure out the extreme fatigue.


I suffer from vitamin B-12 deficiency. My symptoms were memory problems, joint pain and stiffness. I also would wake up with both hands completely numb. My internist spent a year telling me that he could not find a cause for my symptoms. In the meantime they worsened to the point of near dementia, and I was practically crippled up. { this was before I developed ra }. After going to a rheumatologist I was found to be severely B-12 deficient. The doctor told me that I would have had to have been b-12 deficient for at least seven years to have such low numbers. He also told me that if my symptoms did not improve within a year. That the B-12 damage would be irreversable. It took me at least six months to begin to feel somewhat more numb hands..less pain, and my cognitive symptoms improved some, but I still have memory problems and trouble concentrating. I was a highly functioning person prior to the B-12 deficit. If they have caught your defiencency in time, then you should begin to feel better soon. I don't know what your symptoms were... I do know that the longer un-diagnosed the more likely of permanent damage. I would like to hear about your symptoms.


And I have very high Vitamin B12 readings, which is supposedly very abnormal.  I will never understand what is going on with having autoimmune, its all inside, doesn't show on the outside until its raging out of control, and every day is different.  I now understand why I have one shelf of 50,000,000 different vitamins, herbs, alt stuff that I used to dose myself with after a new symptom would hit, a different one or two or more every day, and then its gone, and a new one would start in.  My husband thought I was nuts for years.  We are all snowflakes, individualized autoimmune snowflakes.  Hey, I'm going out of town for a week, and won't have a pc. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your symptoms, Daisy. So, I will check in as soon as I'm back.I love your description, "We are all snowflakes, individualized autoimmune snowflakes."I take B-12 injections monthly - taking the pills wasn't an option for me as for some reason my body won't absorb it.  I felt better almost immediately and can tell when it's time for another one.  Hugs and good vibes.

Thank you all so much for your responses!!!

I will be getting the shots monthly. I had my first one last Friday and I have noticed that I have more energy and am more alert!!! It is kind of like my eyes are fully open again!!! It is so hard to tell what symptoms are from what. I find myself blaming everything on the RA, Fibro and Hypothyroid I have. Thank goodness they finally discovered that I was B-12 deficient. The only problem is I have more energy to do things and I have hurt myself from doing too much!!!!

Thank you again,

