Hip Pain & Burning Skin...???? | Arthritis Information


I have been having trouble with my hip for over 2 weeks.  It has been stiff and the bursa has been swollen and walking has been difficult.

Well, about 4 days after it started to bother me, my skin from the lower part of my rump to the top part of my rump is burning like I sat in bath water that was too HOT. 

There aren't any bruises on me.  When clothes touch it or the covers at night...MAN...I want to scream. It hurts to sit and even the cool shower water hurts. 

Has anyone else had this?

Oh, now today...my eyes are feeling funny.  Dry, Scrathy, and Swollen.

I had something like for a while. I would have episodes where my skin was incredibly tender and hurt. It hurt to sit, lean back, have clothes on etc. There were never any form of visible marks. My GP said it was probably a side effect of MTX. Since coming off MTX - for other reasons - the number of episodes has lessened quite a lot. They used to be about 3/4 times a week and now I've only had 2 in 2 weeks as the MTX leaves my system.

Hope this can help and that you get some relief soon. It probably wouldn't hurt to give your dr a ring.



Thank you so much for your help.  I have had it before.  I just never said much about it.  Always thought it was just stuff that comes with the hard terrain of RA.


Thanks again I got symptoms like this one time and ended up with a bad case of shingles.
This can happen to ppl with compromised immune systems. If you notice
any blistering, get to your doctor quick for treatment. It is probably not
shingles but that is always something to consider with those symptoms.

Thanks so much Scattered and Lorster...I called my rheumy today...I am not feeling any better and the hip is really giving me problems right now.  I have an appt. on Monday.

I will let you all know how it comes out.

Thanks Again,



That's great! Wish I could get in that quick!I have been having this problem off and on for over 3 months.  The burning just started about a week ago...So...she figured she might as well see me now...then later on in April.
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