Actonel | Arthritis Information


Hi there  My husband has PMR and is taking a weekly dose of Actonel. My friend also has PMR and her doctor has just swopped her from calci chew to Actonel. She thinks this has caused her to stiffen up all her body seems to be very painful. Has anyone experienced any side effects from thids drug.If so whats the alternative ?????

Hi Bridee!

I havenīt heard of Actonel, but if you Google on "actonel side effects" you can read many postings.

I use Calcichew D3 twice every day and have no problems. You can read about Calcichew here

 Sometimes I get Ideos instead and also without problems. In Sweden we have subsidized medicine and we are sometimes asked to take other medicines than those on the prescription if the active ingredinet is the same. Otherwise you have to pay the difference. We pay part of the cost - less and less - up to a sum of $ 260 for 12 months, then it is free for the rest of the period. Similarly, we pay $ 20 for a visit to a doctor and donīt have to pay after we have reached $ 270 during a 12 month period (you can choose what 12 months). We pay higher taxes than you do, but when you have an illness like PMR, it is a good deal. In my case, I have almost reached the limit for medicine and doctorsīvisits (also includes X-rays, ultrasound etc) so I will soon have a few months without paying.

Greetings from (now) snowy west Sweden - This is almost the first snow this winter


I get a Boniva infusion every three months.

I also take Ultra Tums. Has to be Ultra, two a day. More easy to take.

Vit. D is essential I was told and Calcium, Ultra has enough, and is an absolute necessity.