Frustration, Pain and now Depressed | Arthritis Information


I am just so frustrated and in pain and now I think I am becoming depressed.

I have not taken anything for my RA except prednisone since Feb 9th when I had my last MTX injection and it made me so sick and dr said no more MTX. I need to get started with Enbrel.

My prescription insurance will NOT even cover 1 month supply of Enbrel for me. I only have 1000 in coverage for the year and I have already used 100 of that on my other meds so actually I only have 900 worth of coverage now.

I tried to get a second insurance polocy that had better prescription coverage and was denied because I have RA.

I have applied for prescription assistance through every place I can find. I make too much. I was not only denied once but TWICE from Enbrel themselves!! They said that because I had prescription insurance I can't qualify for assistance even though my crappy insurance will not cover even 1 month supply.

I emailed MY state insurance commissioner pleaing for help/ideas and a lady did call me the next day only to tell me that she had no ideas or advise and wished me good luck. Oh she did tell me that I need to go to my employer and tell them to increase the prescription coverage. Sure, I'll just waltz in our CEO's office and demand that.

I had to go to my RA dr on Tuesday and she was expecting for me to have my first injection that day but instead I had to tell her I could not get on Enbrel because of our sh*tty health care system.

I hurt so bad everywhere and now I think i am depressed. What do I do? I just feel so helpless. Does the state want me to become disabled? I don't want to become disabled. I want to work.

I had an MRI on my hip yesterday as my ortho says I need a total hip replacement. Damage from RA and Avascular Nurcrosis from using Prednisone. I have huge lumps on my left wrist and right hand and right foot. I can hardly walk with hip pain and pain in my feet. I couldn't even open up the freaking bottle of water I stopped and bought after work yesterday because I was dying of thirst. My hands and wrists hurt so bad. It hurts my shoulders to drive or carry anything.

If I think I'm depresed do I go to my GP doctor?


Brenna - my whole being cries out in empathy for you and this stupid, sad, silly system.  Just remember its not you, its the disease and a bunch of ignorant people who are healthy calling the shots, literally. 

I would write letters to my elected officials, and a letter to the editor of your local newspaper.  This situation about no health coverage is the #1 problem in a nation that is suppose to help its citizens, not hinder them.  And then we have this to contend with: 

After that, I was taught that one way to handle depression is to acknowledge it like you have, and still get up every day, then pick one thing to take care of, just one, like throwing out something negative in your life like an old letter or something.  Amazing that we are reduced to having no hope at times.  You take care, and you are in my prayers, and just try to do one positive thing a day to unclutter your mind.  ~~Cathy 

justsaynoemore39136.2070486111If I were in your situation I would definately try AP therapy. It's cheap and it's really worked for a lot of people. You could do it while you worked out these other problems. It seems, in this situation, you don't have anything to lose by it if it doesn't work. If it does work, you're laughin'!
(PS. Why is it only girls they want to force the HPV vaccine on? Guys get it too!)

Gimpy has a good suggestion about the AP therapy.

There are many conventional drugs that are cheaper than the biologics besides MTX like Arava.

You might also check into trying Remicade because while it is a biologic it has to be delivered by IV not injection. Sometimes insurance will cover infusions under major medical instead of prescription coverage. Medicare covered Remicade and not the other biologics for this reason.

The lousy insurance coverage your job is offering you would cause me to change jobs! I know that is no easy task but it is easier than living with untreated RA.


I feel for you and know that until you can 'deal with the pain', get rid of it you won't be able to think straight. Your RA doctor must hear your pleas for help!! Keep calling as there are people who donate medications to those who need it but don't have insurance. Keep asking, keep trying, keep calling. To bad it is the dreaded weekend when no one answers the phone!! sorry, I know how it -- hurts.


First thing first. You aren't destroyed. I'm not sure how much they will do for you or can but they will try to help you. Click on the link.

Also, talk to your Dr. about upping your prednisone dose to 15-20 mgs. I remember when my Dr. suggested I go from 10 to 20 mgs of prednisone i was pretty crippled, every movement was a pain. Sleep was so hard to get just because I had to find a position where no sharp pains, I'd get to sleep, move and boom-boom, I'm awake. I'm meandering, too much energy drink, I guess. Anyway, wow, what a difference those extra 10mgs of prednisone made. I stayed at 20mgs for over a year waiting for mtx and enbrel to work well. I have been as low as 8mg but am back up to 15mg, I adjust the dosage according to pain levels with Dr. blessing. Prednisone at walmart is I think. I remember how I used to think, "man, this ain't living." I didn't believe that I would ever not feel that way. Now my whole outlook is so good. Pain is alot less. Hope this helps.


P.S. The reason I went back up to 15mgs is I damaged my knee and am using the prednisone for the pain and swelling until I can have it repaired.



Why doesn't your RD give you an infusion medication?  It's billed through your regular insurance as an office procedure.  Your Rx coverage isn't even involved then.  I would push for Remicade or Orencia or Rituxan.  Anything that's given by infusion would save you thousands.


I am just so frustrated and in pain and now I think I
am becoming depressed.

I have not taken anything for my RA except prednisone since Feb 9th
when I had my last MTX injection and it made me so sick and dr said no
more MTX. I need to get started with Enbrel.

My prescription insurance will NOT even cover 1 month supply of
Enbrel for me. I only have 1000 in coverage for the year and I have
already used 100 of that on my other meds so actually I only have 900
worth of coverage now.

I tried to get a second insurance polocy that had better prescription
coverage and was denied because I have RA.

I have applied for prescription assistance through every place I can
find. I make too much. I was not only denied once but TWICE from Enbrel
themselves!! They said that because I had prescription insurance I can't
qualify for assistance even though my crappy insurance will not cover
even 1 month supply.

I emailed MY state insurance commissioner pleaing for help/ideas and
a lady did call me the next day only to tell me that she had no ideas or
advise and wished me good luck. Oh she did tell me that I need to go to
my employer and tell them to increase the prescription coverage. Sure, I'll
just waltz in our CEO's office and demand that.

I had to go to my RA dr on Tuesday and she was expecting for me to
have my first injection that day but instead I had to tell her I could not get
on Enbrel because of our sh*tty health care system.

I hurt so bad everywhere and now I think i am depressed. What do I do?
I just feel so helpless. Does the state want me to become disabled? I don't
want to become disabled. I want to work.

I had an MRI on my hip yesterday as my ortho says I need a total hip
replacement. Damage from RA and Avascular Nurcrosis from using
Prednisone. I have huge lumps on my left wrist and right hand and right
foot. I can hardly walk with hip pain and pain in my feet. I couldn't even
open up the freaking bottle of water I stopped and bought after work
yesterday because I was dying of thirst. My hands and wrists hurt so bad.
It hurts my shoulders to drive or carry anything.

If I think I'm depresed do I go to my GP doctor?


Brenna. There are other options out there besides enbrel. Have you tried
any of the other DMARDS? I'm surprised your doctor gave up after MTX
and wants to go straight to enbrel. Or have you tried all the other. As
well as AP therapy, look into some of the other DMARDS that are cheap
such as plaquinil. It is only a few dollars a month and would be betther
than nothing while you are trying to qualify for enbrel. I feel so bad for
you for being in so much pain. Please keep us posted on your progress.