THANK YOU! (RA SURVEY) | Arthritis Information


I just wanted to send a personal thanks to everyone who has already completed our on-line RA survey. The response has been overwhelming and we have captured some really insightful information that will be very useful to pass along to doctors.

Again, thank you. Payment for your time will be received 4-6 upon completion.

Julie B.
It's very frustrating - if you haven't been formally diagnosed with RA, just OA, they don't want to include you in the survey.  Just like trying to get the doctors to take us seriously - we're out of luck.I didn't think the survey really addressed our real issues, so I didn't even want to participate. I'm glad they do them, but they are so off track with what is really affecting our lives.

I took it and thought it was a pretty good survey. Many of the questions related to my life.

It was certainly worth my time for the 0!! Least that's what they are promising.

I'll let ya know if my check arrives.

Thanks for the feedback. Lovie- you will have your check in 4-6 weeks.

Warm regards,


I'll get my husband to fill it out too when it becomes available for family members.

So how come it told me I am not elgible for this survey when I have RA? Can I participate if I live in Canada? It told me I cannot participate.  Why????????????Yeah, why can't I participate? Am I too young? After I did my birthday, I wasn't eligible. I am *NOT* too young for RA. NO ONE is too young for RA. I don't think that's fair.

thats weird Katie cause i was able to do it and im not that much older then you are lol

Well WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH lol i didn't qualify eitherthat is really weird now, maybe like any other survey they need a certain amout of partisipants in each age group?  I dunno thats what some of the other surveys had said that ive tried to do...i didn't qualify for it either,not sure why.    I was not " qualified" either.  Would like to hear the criteria---i could use an easy ( or any)  0.00.  Lou

Nope, didn't qualify either. I figure they're looking for different groups and probably have enough women in their 40s. Overweight, divorced, depressed, white women over 40 are a dime a dozen in this country. I've always said so. 

Well, I mostly started saying that when I was over 40...

Oh Scout you really should raise your rates - haven't you heard about inflation?when does it tell you that you don't qualify? Is it before or after they ask what meds you take? Maybe that's it.It's when you type in the birthday..

I don't qualify either????  What's this all about.  Who determines from a couple of questions?  What is the criteria?  I want a RECOUNT


I didn't qualify after I said I was seeing an internist for my RA*t, being born in 1985 disqualified me. sounds like there are a number of factors that would eliminate you then. Birth year of 1957 disqualified me.hmmm, i wonder who does qualify for this?
My birth year is 1944 and I, too, was disqualified!


Not sure who all did the survey; but keep an eye out for your check. It's real....several of us from 4ratalk have already received our checks.


Yeah, Shannon said she got hers too.

You guys suck.......LOL

I'm so excited!! I promised myself I'd buy myself some crocs if I got mine; so that's exactly what I'm going to do.

I've wanted some for a while; but I didn't see paying that much for ugly rubber shoes; no matter how comfortable they were. BUT now with this unexpected money I'm going to spend it all on myself!! All on stuff I don't need.....but want!!

I'm excited!! WOOHOO!!

I got my check too.  WOOHOO!  We leave for a trip to Chicago tomorrow.  Extra spending money.  I am so excited!

I honestly didn't expect to see the check. I'm thrilled to say I was wrong.

Thank you Biostrategies!!

Lovie I was going to ask you if you got your check yet! Sweet! I hope mine comes soon.

BTW, how are you doing?

Doing good Grilfriend.....hope you are!

You'll get your check. All you need to do is figure out how to spend it!

Not a problem spending it that's for sure!

Hope you are starting to feel better now that you're about finished with your antibiotics.

Got my check yesterday Lovie!