Could this be arthritis? | Arthritis Information


Hi there,

I am not sure if what I have is arthritis and I know I can only know for sure by visiting a doctor, but your feedback will help my decision.
about 2 months ago I had pain/discomfort in my left thumb where it meets my hand.  It was difficult to type and I would call the pain more like a stiff weakness feeling.  It went away after a day.
Last week I had the thumb pain in both of my hands, at the base and the next joint up for 2 days (the middle joint not the tip).  Again, more like a weak/tight feeling that lasted through out the day, a constant feeling. 
2 days ago both my hands, fingers, thumbs and wrist feel this weird tight/weak feeling that on a pain scale would be a 3 out of 10, not excrutiating.  I have noticed some involuntary movement of my fingers/thumb and I would say the discomfort lies mostly in joint areas but the tops of my hands feel weak as well. It almost feels like my fingers want to go towards my hand, its a really weird sensation. 
I am 32 years old, female, good health except for fatigue.  I have always been a tired/stressed person.  I have also been twitching in my eyes, getting toe cramps and having twitching in other parts of my body but I have always attributed that to my stressful nature. 
I have no idea if my joints are swollen as I never really looked at mine before.  I can say that my index and middle finger joints where they meet my hand are at least twice as large as my ring finger/pinky joint...but that may be totally normal.  I do feel the weak/tight feeling in those joints as well.
Does this sound like arthritis?


Welcome to AI. Certainly sounds like some arthritis symptoms.....but like you said no one can know for sure until you see a doctor.

Just wanted to say hi; and welcome.

I would take this complaint to a dr.

Twitching can come from a lack of potassium. Bananas are a good food source.

To me your problem sounds more nuerological than arthritic. Since you type and your hands are feeling weird perhaps it is the early stages of carpel tunnel syndrome. Do you ever wake up and find your hands are asleep - numb then tingly?


Nope, no numbness or tingliness.  I was tested for electrolyte imbalance by my GP which was normal and he wants me to see a Neurologist.  I can handle the twitching, even the excrutiating toe cramps...but the hand/wrist pain is constant.

So my index and middle finger knuckles are way bigger than my ring and pinky finger knuckles, more than twice the size.  Is that normal?

Thank you for the quick replies.  I just feel crazy.


I honestly don't know. Mine aren't twice the size but I can't clear 1st knuckle with wedding band for index and middle finger. I know the base knuckle for my middle finger is permanently bigger than it should be -  both hands.

Be persistant - and the docs will sort it out. If you think it is arthritis, book an appt with a rhuemy. Usually people talk about aching, aching, aching, along with annoying stiffness that does not want to be 'worked out'. Usually takes a long wait time to get in - you can always cancel 48 hrs before appt if you change your mind.

I would take twitches and weird sensations to a neuro doc. Honest.

the best thing to do is to go to your doctor and have him/her test you for RA
and acute inflammation (CRP, ESR). That will give you an idea if you have an
inflammatory disease. But before you go to the doctor and get this
diagnosis, make sure you have really good health and life insurance because
once a RA diagnoses is made, you can kiss your chances of ever getting
these again. ....ok guys, i'm still upset about losing mine, lol. good luckmine started in my feet. lumpy, doughy swelling on the bottoms. I couldn't get my shoes on or walk. I went to a foot doctor hoping it was something related to the shoes, but he said, "YOU have arthritis' , I didn't get to a RA doctor for about 5 years! Went on Plaquinil, the methotrexate, now remicade, too.  it would be good for your peace of mind to know what it is.  There are so many kinds of arthritis it could be one of them, for sure. Good luckI third or fourth the "go to the doc" advice.  It sounds kind of like carpal tunnel to me, but there is no way to know until you get it checked out.  Good luck!