Boys Will Be Boys | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone,

I'd like to share a poem I wrote for Oscar when he was about 3 years old.


Boys will be boys so that's what they say

love is the joy they bring to each day

running and jumping, hiding and seeking

it's his turn to count  I see he is peeking

looking for frogs, catching a bug

tracking in dirt and staining the rug

stubbing a toe, skinning a knee

eating a popscicle up in a tree

rough housing with daddy

oh such fun is this

then over to mommy  for love and a kiss

boys will be boys

we've found this is true

without our boy what would we do?

To all the mommies and mommies to be keep a specail watch over your little ones, but let them be free and not feel your worry. Trust your instincts when it comes to your children.

Oscar was positively diagnosed with JRA yesterday.  Thanks for being my friends and a special thanks to Wayney for all her support.

Thanks for sharing your poem with was beautiful.  I'm sorry to hear your little man has JRA...but at the same time am grateful you have been faithful in trusting your instincts and getting him to a rheumy right away. 

Having two little ones myself, 3 and 5 years of age, I totally agree with trusting your instincts...moms seem to have a sixth sense about these things.  It's hard to watch our kids suffer.  I'd be willing to endure all the pain I currently experience many times over if it would mean my kids didn't have to experience it.  BUT I've also discovered how adaptable kids are and how quickly they learn to adjust to whatever gets thrown their way.

My 5 year old was diagnosed with Perthes (a disease where blood flow to hip joint stops and the joint dies) when he was 2 years old.  He experiences discomfort and pain regularly in his hip, but that doesn't stop him from doing anything.  This year he's in Kindergarten, plays t-ball, takes swimming lessons...and most days you would never know that there is no hip joint there.  Anyways....I'll be thinking of you in the coming days, and will pray for Oscar and your family as you face this new challenge.


Pam~thank you for sharing the beautiful poem. We didn't realize you were such a talanted writer. It's just beautiful. Between my husband and I we have three boys (And one little Princess) and you're advice is right on target.

I too am sorry to hear it's been confirmed in Oscar; but you've known it all along like Becky said. This is good news; although some will see it as terrible news; we all know that at least now he will be able to be treated for it and in the long run this will go a very long way in assuring his quality of life.

I'll pray for your strength as you deal with not only your own illness but Oscars as well.

Much Love,



Thanks for the lovely poem.  It's very beautiful.

I'm sorry to hear of Oscar's dx, but glad he will now be able to get the proper treatment. 


Pam what a beautiful poem thank you!!!!! memePam,  I love your poem.  I do outdoor education programs.  Can I share your poem with the many parents of boys I know?  They would love it.

A very nice and right on the mark poem about boys. We have 6  boys in our family. I'm glad you got the diagnosis, now you can see too it he gets the treatment he needs. Little boys should not have to be in pain. You and Oscar have a good weekend.


Thankyou for all your warm replies.  We are glad too that treatment will now begin.  We are so fortunate, the PRD did confirm that Oscar has had undiagnosed JRA for quite a few years, but his joints move well and no damage on xrays.  A fairly mild case, though it has been worse recently. Now that we are starting treatment, we are very hopeful it will knock it down or out the Dr says there is no predicting which way it will go, so lots of positive energy this way please!

Becky; I've heard of Perthes, I'm so sorry.  It's just not fair!  But what you say is so true, they just keep on keepin on don't they?

Barb; that's alot of boys and bugs and frogs and scabs and sticky hands .......

I am feeling tired, but better.  I think waiting for Oscar's blood tests to come back had put me into a real funk and a "funky flare"

We love our boy with the crazy hair with all our hearts, and feel very blessed that he can run, and play, and do the things he loves to do. 

Thankyou all

Hi Pam,

I'm sorry to hear about Oscar's diagnoses but glad to
know that you will be able to start his treatment now.

Beautiful poem!! I know many will be blessed by it in
the future.

Tara L


I am so glad you finally got a diagnosis, it gives me hope and determination to get to the bottom of billy's trouble too.

And that poem is soooo true! 

Love and hugs to you both, and i hope it all goes well now.

Thankyou, I have had you and Billy in my thoughts alot with all of this.

I'm glad for Billy's sake you know so much more than I did when this all began for us. I pray that Billy is alright, but at the same time  I know that his mommy will make sure of that, wont she??

Lots of love to you and your best guy,

Have a good weekend! I hope your feeling better,

May I print that poem and frame it for Bastian's room?  Despite all the stuff about boys, they still scare me less than little girls.  While I love Mary's girl, she's a mess.  So diva like. 
I've spoken to you about this already but let me say again I'm so sorry that Oscar is having problems but I am glad it has finally been diagnosed.  Now hopefully, he'll get the relief he needs. 
hugs, wayney

Hi Wayney,

I would be thrilled to know that Bastian has this poem in his room. 

Thankyou again for everything, you'll never know how much it meant to me to know you were moments away during this past couple of weeks.  This does'nt mean your off the hook though

Pam worries, i don't wanna be off the hook.  this will be printed and hung as soon as my printer is filled with ink.  haven't had time lately.
hugs, wayney
