Mood swings | Arthritis Information


Am wondering if anyone else gets mood swings that fit a pattern like mine.   I seem to have a low grade depression a lot of the time but it seems to me that goes with RA and the pain, frustration, lack of money etc but every so often just for a day or so I seem to get really tired, irritable & seriously depressed. This only lasts a day or so like I said but I am wondering if anyone knows why this happens.   I have had a busy but good week & last night I just crashed physically & mentally. Possibly tiredness, I do forget to pace myself, often it's not possible. I have tried anti depressants over the years, none seem to make a difference and most of the time I dont think I need them just every so often I get these feelings of depression that last a day or so & then I am fine.
Anyone else get this & any suggestions to get through it would help as all I want to do is hide away & preferably sleep my way through it until it passes when this comes on which is not always possible. The depression is quite bad for a day or 2 & then I come right.Yes ma'am.
I have nothing helpful to say, but I think it's the chronic pain that does it.


I know the feeling.  Depression is a common side effect of any chronic illness. Dealing with normal illnesses is so much easier because you know it will only last a week or two and then it will go away. Dealing with depression is a very personal, individual thing so I don't know if this will help but this is what I do.

I try not to suppress the feelings or find some distraction to try to make it go away.  It just returns later and is usually stronger. So I try...don't always let myself feel what I need to and get it out.  I go for a walk, write, listen to music, or even meditate; letting the feelings play out.  Sometimes I talk to a friend, but I'm an introvert so it's pretty hard to be honest about my feelings with someone else.

This is my preventative therapy list...things I do to minimize the times I feel depressed.

1) helps me expose feelings before they get to the point of depression.

2) Excersize...I walk a lot and do Yoga.  It always makes me feel better.

3) Play music...I play mandolin with an orchestra and in a church worship band.  It's a great way to express inner emotions and build confidence in yourself.

4) Help others...I volunteer at a drop-in center for homeless youth one night per week.  It makes me feel good and draws my focus away from myself.

5) Participate in a community...For me, my church provides a strong sense of community.  My wife and I also are involved in a small group that meets on Wednesday evenings.  It's a great place to share personal struggles and get support.

6) Cultivate faith...believe in a purpose greater than yourself that isn't limited by the finite time and space we inhabit here on this earth.


I think we all go through that. I know I do. I stop short of calling it depression because it comes and goes pretty quickly; but quite often I just want to be left alone. I don't want to talk to anyone I just want to lay in my bed, knit and watch TV. Many times I do these same things when I'm in a prefectly good mood; but sometimes I just need time to let it pass as Alan said.

I've been on and off predisone many times through all this too and that never helps with my moods.....At times I can become very angry; which I blame on that.

Through it all one thing remains a constant and that's my faith. Although I've been a Christian as long as I can remember; I've just over the past few years learned to practice a very strong faith in God and fill my mind with positive thoughts. It doesn't make keep me from going through these spells; it does however help me deal with them in a more productive manner and help me pull out of them far more quickly than in years past.

Hang in there. You aren't alone. I think what you are feeling is very common.

Oh yeah dreadful mood swings. Friday I was sitting on the sofa just crying. I NEVER cry. But I was so tired from the babies, they seemed like  a never ending cascade of whining and crying and demands, and I couldn't take it any more.


Saturady I was all cheerful I swear there were butterflies and flowers singing in the kitchen.. weird..

Expect some depression and mood swings especially if you are on prednisone.  Pain can cause depression, worry can cause mood swings.  Just hang in there, and come here and vent.


A couple of people mentioned prednisone.  I don't remember if you said you were on pred. in any other posts.  However, if you have increasing depression or mood swings on prednisone, you need to talk to your doctor.  I have a family history of depression issues (mom was bipolar) and have my own issues as well.  When I went on a long term low dose of prednisone, my mood gradually darkened and darkened until I could only go between screaming at my family and sobbing uncontrollably.  I had to come off of the prednisone, or it would have probably ended up with a bad situation.  I can tolerate a short course of higher dosages, but a long term is just out of the question.

So, I think some mood swings with chronic illness are very normal, but if it starts to really take over your life, you should see the doc about it.

Hi  Cassie,

Yes,I have the same pattern of mood swings since the RA got more all consumingly painful. I too really respond to prednisone with anxiety then bottom out. Then a few days go by and I'm Ok for awhile. Right now I have no other choice but Pred. as I am responding to nothing in the way of DMARDS yet.  Like you I have a hard time of pacing myself. I don't recognize when I am overdoing it yet...I really believe it's the exhaustion from being in pain all of the time.

What I do. Well first of all, I have the need to be alone also. I don't want to dump misery on anyone unless I see a professional trained for it. If I feel I must, I will, In a heartbeat. It's better than getting worse. Life is hard enough...I video game and garden or study to distract myself from ANY real thought. Thought is the enemy at that point. If I start thinking about this whole mess...not good.

I find when my mind is kept busy, it passes faster. Distraction is all I need sometimes. Sometimes I need alot more help, but not usually. I keep my mind as busy as possible during those times. I force myself to do that. It's a matter of survival.

God, I need always! (That's Just me.)

I do sleep, but not out of avoidance behaviour. I'm usually very tired and don't know it. Sometimes that will do wonders. 

I think It's all about finding ways to not allow depressive moments to have thier way. Then Sometimes...

 I just throw a fit, revel in it, and let it pass.... Sometimes I'm too tired to work so hard at fighting it. Mind you, I still don't involve others unless they work in that field.

...and sometimes, I just wonder how there are all of these people in the world, including eveyone here,  living with this and ask...How do they do it?????






A couple of people mentioned prednisone.  I don't remember if you said you were on pred. in any other posts.  However, if you have increasing depression or mood swings on prednisone, you need to talk to your doctor. 

I had to come off of the prednisone, or it would have probably ended up with a bad situation.  I can tolerate a short course of higher dosages, but a long term is just out of the question.


Don't want to hijack your thread Cassandra but 6xmum - I am glad to know I am not the only one with this reaction to pred - it literally makes me psycho!!!!!  Took me forever to convince my doc how bad things were and actually my hubby was the one who convinced him!  Pred is such a widely used drug by the docs we need to keep each other informed of what it can do to us mentally as well as physically.Hugs and good vibes. 

Thanks for your responses. I do not take Pred. so that cant be what the cause is.   Probably it is part of the RA as it didnt happen before I got RA but it just seems weird that it comes on so suddenly & severely for a day or so & then I feel fine. I have the depression & anxiety & get the crankiness that all come with RA but would like to know why this sudden crash comes so I can maybe find some way to treat it.    It seems some of you get it also so maybe it is not the Pred but for me it may be either some other medication or just part of the fun of RA>2many~I don't consider that hijacking at all. It's good info. It's nice to be able to compare things and see how things connect. Some new to predisone might not even realize that's very common.