You gotta SOUND sick to be sick? | Arthritis Information


I had a bad flare a couple of weeks ago.  I told a few friends and even asked for some extra help with a few things.  They almost seemed indifferent.  NOW I have a cold and I'm all stuffed up.  I just spoke to one of the same friends on the phone and she insisted I go straight to bed and she'd go to the grocercy store for me! Now she is all about the helping?  I'm not having such a bad joint day today, but there are six inches of fresh snow on the ground, so I'll let her do the pampering friend thing. 

Note to self: Use clothes pin on nose to sound stuffed up next time I need someone to come over and help me.


I didn't mean to sound like I was complaining.  I found the whole thing amusing.  I really do apprecitate my friends. 

I mean: I reedee do appredeeate my freds(the stuffed nose voice)

Oh, I didn't think you were.  I was just saying that despite their best efforts, most people who aren't afflicted with RA don't understand.  Just like I really don't understand Fibro.  I read about it here, and understand it, but I don't live with it. 

I glad you "really appreciate your friends" *stuffy nose and all*


Lori, I agree with you. I think my husband is starting to "get it" especially a
recent episode a couple weeks ago when i could barely get out of bed one
morning. I don't have it nearly as bad as many on here so I'm thankful I can
still work full time and function almost normally. But I really keep quiet
about my RA to most everyone that I know because I feel that they think I"m
seeking attention or pity...or something and I'm not. I also feel that most
people don't know what RA is. I didn't and I'm a nurse. I should have known
all about it but hey, it didn't affect me, why should I know everything about
it. I sure know more now than I did a year ago. I'm surprised at how many
people think RA is the same thing as OA.   I just hope that the treatments for
this disease improve or maybe they will find a cure or promising remission
drug or treatment. OMG! I just invisioned K-Lynn with a clothes pin on her nose, and she goes to open the front door for her friend and her friend asks her why the clothes pin is on her nose and she replies "oh that ol' thing? It helps with the runny nose... and you should see the sucker fly when I sneeze!"

Had to laugh re the clothes pin joke, and yeah, we have to keep seeing the funny side of things to get us thru some days.

K-Lynn, it is true - for years I had to put up with the "But you don't look sick .. " comments from  hub;  alas, the spoons theory wasn't around then I don't think 

I hope your friends get educated in the near future.  In the meantime, just continue with clothes peg, splint or two, borrow Gran's walking stick even? 


I am definately going to try the clothes pin is true, I had more sympathy out of my husband the day I had a stuffy nose thant i have had all month...knee surgery and all!