Deanna | Arthritis Information


Glad to see you made it thru your surgeries ok. I have not been online that much, so kinda missed when you went in. Sorry.

I hope you recover quickly, but not to fast like me and the skin grows over the stitches. Man! That crap hurt when they were trying to get the skin off the stitches so they could pull them out. It was right up there with the "pain" of needles

Many Huggs

Deanna, I also want to say I'm glad you came through your surgery. I have
never had knee surgery but have taken care of plenty who have. I hope you
have a speedy recovery and find some pain relief soon.

I am doing okay after my surgery. Thanks to all of you who were thinking and praying for me.

I got the stitches out already today and saw the pictures. There were some nasty gashes in both knees. Now it is done and I can look forward to recuperating which gives me no end to amount of joy I feel. I so hope that I will soon be telling you about some nice walk that I've been on.

I really felt the love and caring. Thank you so much!!!


Hoping you have a speady recovery.   Also, I hope you know that you have many friends here who love you and think of you often.  We all hope you are doing well.


Sending you many get well thoughts!!!!  Love and hugs! Want to add my best wishes for a speedy (and uneventful) recoup.   don't over do and take care.  Hugs and good vibes.Deanna,  Just got home.  Been staying with family while I got through flare.  I am so so so happy for you sweetie.  I hope you will be doing a jig in no time.  LOVE

Deanna- Are you walking at all yet? How is the pain? When do you start PT?????

Go Deanna Go!