Homepage Trend - Is It A Scheme? | Arthritis Information


I observe and notice many are establishing their homepages/websites, claiming this board has to many spamming, soliciting etc.. All I know is this board is for arthritics to share experiences, knowledge and views etc..

But I believe some of them are very persuasive and good schemers promise non-nonsense, knowledge, no spamming, no soliciting and clean homepages/webs but on top of each homepages/webs there are products advertisements

I remember I read in a magazine that a "humble and respected" paster of a community church in US many years ago, pocketed millions of dollar from aged, retired and sick people who donated their savings and properties to the church. Those followers devoted their lives in god and church but the schemers had different view! The paster through the years collected the monies from donations and transferred to his account, bought shares and properties under his name in other cities.  When the law caught up with him initially, those old folks just stood behind the paster and disregarded the law. Finally the truth was out, all these folks lossed their savings and donations when the paster abscorded and disappeared. The community church had nothing in its account! This unscrupulous paster was using his trusted position and religion to swindle. There are some bad professionals like lawyers, doctors, nurses etc. also have ulterior motives 

We do not make any money, but there is a link to the head office that does take a yearly fee for to be a member. But we do not see any of that money, it goes to the state roadeos.

lorster, is the concscience pricks you to post the question? Are you one of them?

Kokako88, I am a 46 year old woman with RA. I am also a nurse but I
don't preach my knowlege, only my life experiences. I came to this site to
make friends and share in information. I came here for support because
god knows, know one around me physically knows what this is about. I
don't come to fight and i got involved in a political thread that went south
and will not do that again. I keep to the subject matter at hand and try to
make it fun so that we can all take our minds off this wretched disease
that we all must live with for the rest of our lives. I don't know who the
conscience pricks are and dont' care. There are some people on here that
I enjoy talking to. I don't send private messages to anyone, talking bad
about anyone and if anyone does so about me, that is clearly their
problem. This issue here on this forum is RA and its variations. That is
it. There is nothing else to understand. If people want to post their web
links on here, so be it. I don't care. I am sorry that it has had to get ugly
but we clearly know who has come on to start this problem. If you have a
problem with me, so be it, I don't care. If you are having a problem with
your RA, or whatever you have, I do care.

Thanks for your post, lorster. I do not have problem with anyone as long as they do not get personal and unreasonable. You are a nice lady, a professional nurse who helps the less fortunates, and have right frame of mind and objective coming to this forum. The message is for those are "wolves in sheeps skin".

I used to have problems with gout and RA and that were 40years ago. I stopped taking chemical drugs for almost 20years. I am 59 and have reversed gout and arthritis with appropriate herbs and selective natural foods for 20 years. It is god's gift, and my body abilities to gradually nurture to healthiness. Not a single painkiller or drug for 2 decades! It is a breakthrough. 

Good for you Kokonutz! Hope you stay in remission!kokako88. It is great that you have managed to achieve great health with
the use of alternative medicine and i feel that everyone should practice
good nutrition and incorporate alternatives into their lifestyles. I however
do not support total alternatives such as herbal. Few people really know
about herbal medicine and how to use it safely and wisely. Because they
are herbs and natural, they can also be very dangerous and in fact,
deadly. I have seen young women die of cervical cancer and breast
cancers because they chose alternative over conventional chemotherapy.
There are goods and bads to both. I think herbal medicines are great,
when used wisely and in moderation. But some people don't have this
success and have to go with conventional medicine. You have to look at
it as a minute by minute disease. When someone feels crappy, they are
going to do what ever it takes to feel better for that moment in time. It is
hard to see the bigger picture of a week later, or a year later, or even an
hour later when you are in such pain or having uncontollable nausea.
People rely on the drugs at hand to help them get through that hard time.
The clock ticks slowly when you are in pain and don't feel well. Anything
that helps, is worth trying. It is hard to achieve a balance between the
therapies that you will take right now and the ones that may help a week,
month or a year down the road. A year is a long time for some people to
wait. I guess I have been at the bedside long enough to observe this
behavior in patients. And I have been there myself, so I am able to
confirm this through my own actions when it comes to the use of
conventional medicine. You cannot sit in judgement of people who take
narcotics and many medications for their pain and suffering and for their
treatment of a disease that is both unpredictable and out of control at
times. Not everyone will achieve total remission of RA. But by practicing
good nutrition and taking the best care of ourselves that we can, we all
can know that we are doing the very best we can to treat this disease. If
we have to throw conventional medicine into the mix, that is the way it
has to be. You cannot sit here and tell me that everyone of the ppl on
this forum...love all the meds they have to take to treat the RA. That is
just ridiculous. For me, I will continue my plaquinil, and my fish oil and
other therapies that I feel, helps me to feel better each minute, each hour,
each day. That is all we really have anyway.

The excruciating pain I had gone through for months when bedridden and I also knew how aggressive drugs worked for over 2 decades! Generalization is no good as you mentioned "you have seen young women die of cervical and breast cancers because they choose alternative over conventional chemotherapy". What alternative? If it is herbal, what herbs and natural foods? And do you have statistic how many die of conventional chemotherapy? Science has successfully sent rockets to the moon and other planets but today there is no impact on curing cancers just yet, accept minority cases in remission after billions of dollar spent on research for more than 60years!

Today, scientists are dispatched to Amazon, Pacific and other forests to collect plants, herbs, and collect data and learning tribal medicine in hope for cancers and chronic diseases' cures. Dr Paul Cox, a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Nu Skin Enterprises, a Harvard PhD travelled extensively to South Pacific and South-east Asia to study how plants can be used for medical purposes. Many pharmaceutical companies like Glaxo, Merck etc. have set up new research centres to seek cures from natural products.

As I posted many times over a surperb and humble wild lingzhi known and recorded in historical medicinal books in Chinese and Japanese for over 3,000years. It is because I trust a 1st class herb known to human being for over 3,000years and that does not have side effect. Most importantly, it really works. I rely on 3,000years of record and I have decided 20years ago and systematically using it to nurture the body. All in all it is the healthy body that can counter any diseases! 


[QUOTE=lorster]I don't know who the
conscience pricks are and dont' care. [/QUOTE]

lmao...I love that...kokako88, trust me, if I could find a combination of natural remedy to fix
this, you can bet your sweet biffy I would be on it. But at this time, there
is no real valid information proving any of these therapies. We don't have
doses, strengths or half lifes on many of these alternative. I wish there
was more money for researching this. And lets face it, these big
companies like Glaxo and the others are big money makers. It is cheaper
to stir up a chemical in the lab than pick it in the jungles. And I am
appalled at the poly pharmacy that is going on in this country. I gave a
woman 32 pills the other morning and these were her 0900 dose. It is
hard to figure out at this point where one side effect ends and another
begins. How can anyone possibly gain benefit by that many meds taken
at one time? I am disturbed by this and it is running rampant in the US.
The other thing that needs to be brought up and I agree with you on
nutrition. That is the key. I see what people buy to eat. Much of it
comes out of a box, can, sack or jar. The concept of whole foods has not
caught on in much of America but seriously needs to. It is so important
to eat foods from the earth, whole foods. Not everyone understands this
concept and if not, they need to learn. Yesterday, an article came out on
the internet talking about the 39 ingredients ina Twinkie and most of the
ingredients are mined from deep in the earth. Does this scare us? It does
me. You will not see me buying twinkies or anything else out of a box,
can, jar, or sack. It is important when you have this disease, to eat very
healthy and try to cook all you can from scratch. Rice and beans are
pretty easy to fix if you are not feeling well. i have a great recipe for
black beans and rice if anyone wants it, lol. As long as we have doctors
who keep pushing the pills and pharmoceutical companies that advertise
around the clock, our society will continue to consume conventional in
alarming numbers. This is just my personal opinion, based on what I see
at work. The one woman that died of cervical cancer, was 39 and had the
HPV type. She actually went to Mexico for her treatment. She came back
and it had spread to her lungs and lymph and then concented to chemo
which didn't work as it was too far gone. The other gal, who was in her
30's presented with pain. When we went to examine her breast, it was
square, andhard as a brick. She chose a nutritional approach and died
not too long afterwards. Most of the problem with the second woman is
she was afraid of all the side effects of chemo, plus she believed in the
power of prayer. It is all sad when this happens. I really agree with you
about some of this and would love an alternative approach but it has to
be a proven one. I would love some web sites if you are interested in
sharing.Thank you for your perspective.Lorster I would love your beans & rice recipe.
I believe there are some cases of cancer & other diseases that can be cured naturally & some that cant.
I believe it is a personal choice for people to decide but they need to do their research. There is a British woman professor Jane Plant who developed breast cancer & with her husband did a lot of research & having lived in China & realising that the incidence of reproductive cancers there were a lot less than elsewhere came to the conclusion that dairy products played a large part in reproductive cancers. I think it was something to do with the fact that after WWII cows were milked while pregnant & the hormones increased in the milk. Prof. Plant has had breast cancer herself which came back approx. 5 times & last I heard she has been clear for over 10 years as have over 60 women who have been following her programme. Charing Cross hospital in London has adopted her programme and she was named scientist of the year either last year or the year before. She has written 2 books on the subject, 1 on the scientific side & the other on recipes & the programme to follow. She avoids all dairy products & makes sure she gets a large number of vitamin rich foods daily.
There is information about her on the net if anyone is interested. I would consider it if I should end up with a reproductive cancer after reading her book.   I do not know why this is not promoted more, maybe the fact that dairy food plays such a large part in the economies of many countries is a reason. Anyone who is considering this diet would be best to find a medical person to support them in this and read up on her research and find a supportive doctor. Hopefully her situation has not changed and this info will be of use to those interested.

lorster, it is a long learning process and striking the right cords.

When I first know of lingzhi that was 2 decades ago. I was then taking man cultivated lingzhi for almost a year but there was not much help nor any significant improvement.

I travelled overseas on business trip and came to know a herbalist displayed limited wild lingzhi for sales. I told him I had arthritis for over 20 years (had been thru' conventional medicine & injections and also taking lingzhi to no effect). He told me there were subtle differences of wild lingzhi. Few wild lingzhi would grow out of many dead tree trunks and required intensive search. He told me wild lingzhi received natural sunlight and recycled the environment nutrients to grow and they were scare.

That was the break 20 years ago. I know wild lingzhi can be used for many medicinal purposes.

Most importantly, I have through the years learned wild lingzhi formulated herbs that can stop pain, "calm" and "tame" the aggressive disease. It is so natural friendly that do not cause any side effects like dizziness, fast heartbeat, sleepiness, fever and weak. It can cox the toxics to discharge naturally.

No drug, no pain, yet can shrunk topi or swollen joints to good sizes, can walk, run, climb no problem. Practically no pre symptoms before flares like fatigue, dried mouth, mouth/tongue ulcers, cough, flu, pneumonia, tonsillitis,respiratory infections except minor infections if there is. Healthy and sleep well.

Another area is I have learned through the years how to eat selectively.

Actually the solution is appropriate, simple natural foods not big and high sounding names of drugs! 

kokako8839140.2662037037I don't know who can feel the power of the disease and sleep well with it when "the conscience pricks and don't care".

Is this available in the US? I mean is it available in a store here or to be mailed somehow, or does one have to travel overseas to asia to obtain?

Also is this herb compressed into some sort or tablet, or is it eaten or drank? Do you get the actual plant or is it made into a medicinal form?

How long did it take for you to first see results when you first started taking it?

kokako - about your original post - the ads at the tops of pages are generally the way people can have free web sites. So the person who has the site doesn't make money off of it. I don't have a site and don't want one, but I like to go and look at them from time to time and I belong to one. People like Waddles & Crunchy just want to give people a place to talk and think about their disease. They don't push anything on other people. They genuinely are nice and trying to help.

There are probably other people who DO have their sites to make money. They might seem very nice, too. There are probably people who maintain sites to get personal information, too. As with anything on the web, it's let the buyer beware.
Fiona, thanks for you update. I came across from many posts that people were doing just that.

If it is man cultivated, it is available in Chinese medical stores and definately in US and other parts of the world because there are mass cultivation in many countries in last one or two decades, perhaps it is cultivated in US!

I have a few whole plants i.e. wild lingzhi sprout out from cut out dead tree trunks that I have been keeping at least over 10 years as decoratives. I also keep whole plant i.e. wild lingzhi and stalks. I have sliced wild lingzhi steeped in rice wine, brandy, brandy XO and whisky for over a decade because I believe one day the forest will deplete. I often boil sliced wild lingzhi/powdered in paper bag and drink as tea or with fruits to treat flu and cough for the family. For convenient I pack in capsules and take 2-3 each time.  

Depending on the condition of the disease, when it flares up and starts to advance, normally it can quickly ease the pain and take time to follow through the disease's advancement to "calm" and "stabilize" the attack. If it is very severe it takes days and weeks to cleanse out but there is no pain or pain is greatly reduced and I feel normal except the swells.  All these were my past experences. The disease never bother me for years. 

kokako8839140.3214467593But, do you have any information on what this wild plant may be doing to
your liver? That is surely where it is being metabolized. Does or can it
interact with any other drugs one may be taking? I think herbs are great,
but I have also taken care of people with blown out thyroid glands from
taking all these herbal diet formulas that are out there. I'm leary. I don't
disagree, just want to know exactly what I am taking right down to the
last ingredient. I also have a problem with going out and buying a herbal
remedy and there really being 16 different herbs in the bottle. It is hard
to find a single herb. There does not seem to be any FDA regulations
(not that we can brag about how great the FDA is) on these herbs. I know
that people have been cured by alternative medicine but if I found out
that I had breast cancer with mets to the bone, lungs, liver, and lympth, I
would go straight to the chemo to at least debulk it. I just do not have
enough knowledge of these herbs to be comfortable and by the time I
read what I needed, the cancer would have killed me, lol. Does anyone
have any feedback on artificial sweetners? I would like to know if they are
as bad as people say. I have to use them as I'm a sweet addict and don't
know what else to use and stevia sucks. Lorster - have you been using stevia in the green powder form - it is horrible but the white powdered version & liquid drops are quite palatable.   From what I have read of artificial sweeteners they are something to be
wary of - some cause cancer in mice but am not sure of details. They have had a lot of bad press though.

Kokako-is the wild lingzi a flower or a plant, is it actually considered an herb. Also is used for any other purpose besides medicinal? What kind of shops would sell this?


As for artificial sweetners-I was going to say the same thing, at one time there was evidence that it may have caused cancer in mice. But I dont really give to much of my sweetner to mice, so I dont worry much about it. LOL. There is an epidemic in our country and 20/20 did a wonderful 2 part series on it last week. We tend to let media reports on things scare the crap out of us, and we generally dont worry about the things that we should worry about.

There are people who will say "give me the regular coke, not diet...that fake sugar could cause cancer" But they dont worry about diabetes....or the heart disease, hypertension, and high cholesterol that comes with the burger and fries they are having too. Or, and this was an interesting point, when asked most people will say it is much more dangerous to have a gun in the house than to have a swimming pool. But the statistics show that your child is in far more danger of drowning in your pool than they are of being accidentally shot.

I guess the point is that in the case of sweetners, the risk would far outweigh the benefit.

Cassandra, I am out of town at my job for three days and when I get hoome,
i'll dig the recipe out and post it, it is wonderful. Thanks for the infor on
stevia, I have used the powder and it tastes so much like saccarhin. And I
hate saccahrin. Maybe i need to experiment a bit with it. I know it is better
than the artificial sweetners. Crunchy, I agree. I think we have more to
worry about in trans fat than the artificial sweetners. I have 65 more lbs to
lose and it is hard enough to lose and it helps to have that xtra bit of calorie
free treat. One day I would like to just use honey but that is too high cal for
me at this point. I would love to see herbal use successful for our disease.
But I am even leary of the biologics and that is just me. I do think this
disease can have severe consequences and not just to our joints if we just sit
and do nothing. Wish I had the answers. Well, better pop off, gotta 3, 12
hour night shifts a head of me.....ack. Take care all.

A fungus of polyporaceae family and its scientific name is ganoderma lucidum. Wild lingzhi is scare and hard to come by but man cultivated lingzhi is normally marketed as "wild lingzhi" in capsules etc.. In Asian countries it is easily available in Drug Stores, Chinese Medical stores, Health Food outlets in capsules/sliced pieces. Cultivated lingzhi is abundant.

The wild one has differenct properties depending on the species and the environment in which it has grown.

In famous historical Chinese medical book it was classified as "fairy herb" and #1 superb herb better than ginsen. Probably it contains triterpenes and polysaccharides and other properties. In some books, it has been used to treat arthritis, aids, cancer, chronic diseases, diabetes, hypertension etc..

To me as a layman, wild lingzhi is my family health & medicinal companion. It promote heath and treat many diseases esp. arthritis and respiratory problems.  

Lorestor..I cant believe you are still able to do 12 hr nights..I did it for years and then just 8 hrs shifts..but even that was too much. I only have about 2 hrs of on my feet time each day, and I have to divide that up between caring for my kids, home, bathing..and walking to and from my car to go to drs appts or PT. That is pretty much how each of my days goes. It is great that you still have the stamina to work...what unit do you work on?Well Crunchy, I'm just getting off my 2nd 12 and I could just die right now. I
told them they could just fire me and I would go home andnot have to travel
anymore but I have a contract and I'm sure the hospital would not let me off
that easy..I was watching a crabby doctor rip a young new nurse apart as we
were going off shift and it reminded me of then I was a young grad and they
tried to get away with being nasty but not anymore.. This poor new nurse
didn'tknow what to say but I think she got pretty vocal with him. Sometimes
you just have to snarl back and they get the point. I"m heading up to sleep
for the day I'll be on soon

If artificial sweeteners may cause cancer avoid it.

It is a tendency people like to go for chemical rather than natural. 

[QUOTE=Cassandra] Lorster - have you been using stevia in the green
powder form - it is horrible but the white powdered version & liquid drops
are quite palatable.   From what I have read of artificial sweeteners they are
something to be
wary of - some cause cancer in mice but am not sure of details. They have
had a lot of bad press though.[/QUOTE]

Cassandra, I tried stevia today in my coffee, the liquid form and it was really
good. Thanks for the tip. It was at a coffee shop and I couldn't see the
caloric content. Is it calorie free?
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