Tired... | Arthritis Information


There are times where you are just plain tired.  Today, I went to my Rheumy who is a excellant lady and a fine doctor.  I have been so grateful and fortunate to have her.

Yet, she says that the medication cocktal I am on may not be working anymore.  I understand that...it has been a great run on the meds I am on.  And I am okay with that.

So, you are asking now...WELL, what is your problem?  You all, I am just tired. 

I am a fighter by nature, I came into this world fighting for my life and am a strong spirited person, true to my convictions and will go the extra mile so others can be okay. 

My father said I'd always make a great doctor...because of my willing to seek out answer's and my compassionate heart and love for others when they are in need. Yet...today...I have broken down crying at least twice.

I thought those days for me were over and that I was passed the griving stage of the shock of having RA.  I guess not. I am so tired from the MTX injections...I have had fatigue for over two weeks...and I just don't feel like getting up in the morning because of it.  Not to mention the pain of the RA.

I am at work right now...I and I am so tired...I just want to go home.  But I can't because my son has to got to tranfusion this week and I have to take him...so I can't take a day for me now...I wouldn't have enough days to take him.  I know this is only temporary...I will feel better...

I am just tired...hurting and frustrated. 


Hang in there. I know it's tough. My doc put me on Enbrel and I gradually weaned off MTX and I felt like I got back so much energy. Maybe you can do something like that, especially when your rheumy thinks the current drugs are no longer working.


Things are bound to get better soon, WillWin2.

Maybe you can get off early and go home and take a nap and take it easy tonight.


I hate these kind of days.  The overwhelming fatigue and the sense of not being able to deal with one more thing, no matter how trivial.  Cry if you need to but know it will get better.  Remember to take it one day at a time....hugs and love Hang in there - things just get to us and then we cry and move on (sounds so darn easy don't it- wish it really was.).  Just wanted to tell you I am taking Provigil and it has helped so much with the fatigue and the alertness factor I didn't have.  You might want to ask your doc about it.  Rest when you can and feel better soon.  Hugs and good vibes. 

Better pain control seems to have helped me with fatigue. perhaps my sleep quality has improved? I don't know-

You have my sympathy for being the 'drag on' lady. Wish I could draw you a funny picture of a lady dragon - with her butt just draggin on the ground behind her.

My sleep is awful.

I wake up so much. And I don't know why. Must be pain, but I can't feel it. I just wake up and then go back to sleep again over and over.


Any ideas what to do?!

If any of you aren't sleeping well be sure and tell your rheumy - I was awful couldn't seem to shut my brain down to go to sleep (solved all the worlds problems during that time.LOL) and when I told him he gave me Ambien - it works wonders for me.  I wake up feeling  refreshed and actually sleep the night through - I know there are other meds to take it's just that is the one I know about.  Rest is so important with this disease - but also remember there is a difference between being tired and totally fatigued or exhausted - getting a good nights sleep helped me alot with this, but still by afternoon was done for that is when my doc and I decided to try the Provigil and that made all the difference to me.  Sorry - I'm rambling.  Hugs and good vibes.  Hope you are feeling better.  Hugs and good vibes.
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